- Comment on Germany’s four-day work week proves to be a massive hit 1 month ago:
Yes, I feel like this happens when these articles pop up from time to time. Like, it’s a good thing a few companies are trying it out successfully, you don’t have to falsely make it sound like the whole country switched
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 3 months ago:
Why is this so accurate (even though I’ve tried many other distros and coffee makers)
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
It would be great. My guess is, as with many things, it’s just more profitable to use the very simple manufacturing process in low cost countries
- Comment on No thanks. I'm good. 6 months ago:
Had it once too. It was a long time ago but definitely one of the best cups I’ve had. Can probably be described to taste as regular coffee smells, with very little bitterness. Since then I’ve learned many producers have the animals in cages and don’t treat them well, and there are no good ways to source ethically made Kopi Luwak, so I never really felt the need to buy it again.
- Comment on Scrooge mcduck discovers bankruptcy 1 year ago:
Spot on! I looked upon my collection with pride when I visited my parents last time. Even have most of the early ones where only half of the spreads were printed in color