- Comment on why are they called “popular girls” if they’re typically not friends with anyone outside their small friend group? 1 week ago:
Every piece of this advice is absolutely brilliant and thoughtful. I’m really glad that you took the time to type it up. I think the diarrhea joke is hilarious and it would totally break the ice with me. It’s a hell of a first impression and it would definitely live in my head for a long time. The only thing I would add besides knowing your audience is that you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person that kind of takes some of the pressure off of you and in my experience I’ve found that to be very true.
- Comment on Erasure 2 weeks ago:
This is incredible, thank you!
- Comment on Godfather 11 months ago:
This will never stop being funny to me. I love everything in this picture hahah
- Comment on Dell finding ways to absolutely suck as an employer 11 months ago:
Smells like they are trying to cut jobs without publicly announcing layoffs. Anywhere that treats its employees like this needs to be scarlet lettered, we need an open source list of shitty employers/shitty practices so they can start paying the meta tax. 😤
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
What the fuck, I find a new rabbit hole every day. Thank you!
- Comment on Is there a way to set the time filters to "past year" for Ecosia? 1 year ago:
Ugh that sucks! I used to love Ecosia 🥺
- Comment on In the boneR 1 year ago:
This is officially my 2024 motto, fuck yeah!
- Comment on Mama what you done? 1 year ago:
Cries in “drank a bottle of wine and became my own secret Santa.”
- Comment on Merr Crimas 1 year ago:
Happy Honda-days!
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
Why yes! So I found myself in a similar position a few months back, I have 2 big boys (18 and 20 pounds) and while I had three boxes, they would only use one and pee on each other’s spot so it would always be wet and you know that goes. Anyway, I mulled it over for a long time because they are pricey, they have generally mixed reviews and my cats are large and in charge. Well, I was wine shopping and Costco had a really good price on the litter bot brand, it had a whole set and extras and I was like imma treat myself. The litterbox was always my chore and if I didn’t clean it out twice a day the house would absolutely stink, I tried all kinds of powders, air fresheners and it would just not help. Okay the litter bot has been an absolute game changer. Mine doesn’t separate poop/pee it just all clumps and dumps into a bottom tray. I have been using less litter (now I use a fancy clumping grass based litter because my boys are spoiled and mustn’t have clay) and as long as I keep the bottom tray under control, I don’t even think about it. I didn’t realize how much of a mental load the littlebox was until it wasn’t. It did take my younger cat a little while to adjust but now he uses it just fine. My partner read that if you stop cleaning the backup box they will eventually get grossed out into using the scary robot one, and it worked lol. They have a lot of budget ones too, and if you have 4 cats you’ll probably want at least 2, but I can’t sing enough praises about it. It’s definitely a splurchase I’m glad I indulged in. Hope that helps! 🤗✨😻😻
- Comment on Black Friday 1 year ago:
What in the world!? Thanks for sharing, this is wild!!
- Comment on Black Friday 1 year ago:
What in the AI generated art are my human eyes seeing? 🥴
- Comment on And yet I have to listen to my uncle rant and rave about immigrants and pretend it's okay. 1 year ago:
Jesus was a homeboy, follow his lead: drink wine, hang with the homies, be chill with the hoes, pass the snacks and wreck a market in a mega church.
- Comment on prick 1 year ago:
My siblings in Satan, please don’t give in to despair. This youngster has had a lot of support from his teachers, parents, community etc which has allowed him to achieve at this level. He worked hard and accomplished something amazing which deserves to be celebrated. But guess what? You have your own journey in life and maybe you don’t have the same level of resources he has, and that’s okay, you can still do and accomplish amazing things. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday and take it one step at a time. You’ve got this ✨🤗
- Comment on What the Hell Happened to my Cookies? 1 year ago:
This is the right answer, when using a stand mixer you want to keep the speed level low (after creaming the butter/sugar/milk) and scraping the sides down to ensure an even distribution of wets/drys. Chilling can help with maintaining a shape, but it’s by no means mandatory. How did they taste? 😁