- Comment on I don't understand why underbaked borderline raw cookies are such a popular trend. 5 months ago:
Yep. Specifically it’s because the flour is not generally sanitized/processed in any way that removes bacteria from the grain or the finished product.
Flour is traditionally only used as an ingredient and will through the cooking process experience heat high enough to kill any bacteria.
If you want to make safe cookie dough to eat raw at home just spread the flour on a sheet tray and toast it in the oven at ~200 degrees for something like 10 minutes. There’s specific directions online.
- Comment on Doctor skillfully compares overeating with alcohol addiction and how we can get it under control 5 months ago:
What was surreal to me is the doctor is telling me this and I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. I wanted to argue. I’ve heard “diet and exercise” for so long it was like a conditioned response kicking on.
- Comment on Doctor skillfully compares overeating with alcohol addiction and how we can get it under control 5 months ago:
Apparently overeating/obesity has been categorized as a chronic disease since 2013. I was just talking to a weight management doctor who was explaining that there’s actually hormonal responses that differ person to person that play a huge role.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I don’t think stainless steal seasons. Maybe you’re thinking of carbon steel?
Stainless is great to cook with but you have to wait for the pans to come to temp before adding food
- Comment on Also testicles 1 year ago:
Oh whoops, oooh. I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
I hated the movie ending which is why I know it was so good. It ended in a way that was unsatisfying to me and I feel like that’s important to the story.
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
It’s the story of Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.
- Comment on How does dog pee ownership work? 1 year ago:
My dad calls it checking their pee-mail.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I left one job and went to another. There was a 3 month gap where I had no health insurance, didn’t qualify right away at the new job. Got an infection that required a two week round of antibiotics.
The cost without insurance was a little over $2000. My COBRA coverage was $600+ and a couple dollars with insurance for the anti biotics. I felt lucky to only have to spend the $600+ to enact COBRA coverage and that it happened in the first month so I could only pay once and drop it.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
It’s called genericide. They encounter the 24 hour measure of time primarily through the US military and its service members so all 24 hour time generally gets called military time.
Similar to why facial tissue is often Kleenex or adhesive bandages are Band-aids in the US.