- Comment on I don't wanna know how this happened... or what follows... 11 months ago:
I remember, I cried to tears on this one 😂.
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on R.I.P. 1 year ago:
Uuuu, OPs a blackhat 😁.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
That’s just it. It’s set to Gboard spell checker, but it doesn’t work in Jerboa.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
That said, isn’t spellcheck underlining more frequently in the apps you’re typing into rather than the virtual keyboard?
That is something that has always puzzled me, and yes, I believe you’re right.
But, the confusing part for me is, Gboard has a spellcheck option, and if I disable it, it doesn’t underline words when typing (in apps that normally check spelling).
But, let’s take Jerboa for example. It doesn’t work in Jerboa. No matter if enabled or disabled, there is no spellcheck in Jerboa, period.
And that is why things are confusing. Is it the apps that do the spellcheck or the keyboard 🤔.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
Have no idea. I just know that Swift only does word suggestion, couldn’t find an option to just underline words.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
Which of them offer spelling check underline?
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
OK, what if I just care for privacy and I’m happy with the QWERTY layout?
I’d love to ditch Gboard, but it has my language in it, plus word underline when misspelling words. I don’t use predictive text or anything like that, just underline.
- Comment on For the homies 1 year ago:
You got a great cock man… and don’t anyone tell you otherwise!
- Comment on For the homies 1 year ago:
Thanks 🥹.
- Comment on YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection? 1 year ago:
I don’t comment on YT to be honest… or very rarely… it has to be something that if found REALLY REALLY interesting or informative to comment.
- Comment on YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection? 1 year ago:
Look at the DIY and disassembly tutorials, I can vouch that most (if not all) of them are great and don’t misinform on anything.
- Comment on YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection? 1 year ago:
The only problem - everyone uses it. And it’s a good source of info for all sorts of things (disassembly tutorials, DIY, etc.).
- Comment on Dude, get out of here 1 year ago:
Yeah, probably, I really don’t know the difference… except for what Robin Williams said in Jumanji 😂.
- Comment on Do tiny grass dream of trees? 1 year ago:
Uuu, nice take on the Blade Runner title 👍.
- Comment on Saturday blues 1 year ago:
Damn… looks more like a pig than a dog…
- Comment on Dude, get out of here 1 year ago:
Bad bad croc! Shew, go home!
- Comment on You've heard of self raising flour, now presenting: self raising babies! 1 year ago:
I believe it’s asked regarding the children characters in the game… could be wrong though, have never played the game.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
It is sad, I agree.
My opinion is people should mind their own business, in gneral. I do and I really have no idea who is gay or not, unless it’s blaintly obvious… and even then, I don’t care, that doesn’t change my feelings towards that person.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
Yep, they gay… but who cares, right 🤷.
I have a male friend that has a best friend and they’re “really close” and both of them are kinda gayish… but to this day (this has been going on for well over a decade now) they say they’re just friends. No one’s seen them kissing or anything, but they do share hotel rooms, beds, whatever. They even live in the same building (one of them noved to be closer to the other one).
It’s all good, I don’t judge, they wanna play sharades, that’s fine by me. I don’t ask, they don’t tell 🤷.
- Comment on You've heard of self raising flour, now presenting: self raising babies! 1 year ago:
To be fair, this is asked on a Sims group.
- Comment on What is the best way to clean burnt-on splatters from a chrome oven without damaging the chrome? 1 year ago:
I really don’t care if I damage Chrome… Firefox on the other hand… you better not touch that!
On the serious side though, yeah, sanding it down will damage the chrome. You might not get to the metal, but it will become less shiny and porouse, and more food will stick to that particular part in the future, and it will be harder to get off.
We have a product over here, it’s called Arris DeGrass, I don’t think you have that in the US… it’s a degreaser, but it’s extra strong, like you don’t use that without gloves, EVER!.. ask me how I know 😂. Most people use it for cleaning ACs and degresing engines around here. So, basically, find an engine degreaser and use that, that should work just fine. But make sure you wash down everything REALLY REALLY good afterwards.
- Comment on I got a dig bick. 1 year ago:
It’s not hitting of it was in the family chat 😂… well, at least my family doesn’t think like that 😂. It’s obvious it was a mistake and intended for someone else, why would I send a dick pic in the family chat 😉.
And no, not from Alabama… my family (and myself) are just… weird I guess 😂… funny, but weird.
- Comment on I got a dig bick. 1 year ago:
Mine would be laughing their asses off.
- Comment on Like it or not, I won 1 year ago:
It was oiled up, so not much sound comming from there, except the occasional “shlup, shlup”… my mom was kinda weird though, she kept moaning our dog’s name for some reason 🤔.
- Comment on Like it or not, I won 1 year ago:
What, me and my sister doing the dirty?
- Comment on Why are some modern tvs' audiovideo settings still sliders/incremental without an option for exact value input? 1 year ago:
People are used to sliders, I guess 🤷. Things used to be like that on old TVs, so it just never occured to anyone that people might like a direct value input instead of a slider.
To be honest, I wouldn’t know what to do with a direct input. Sliders are much more logical for fine tuning. It would be a nice option, but I would probably never use it.
- Comment on Are there capture cards with such low latency you can use them to game through a computer? 1 year ago:
If a DeckLink or an Aja card doesn’t cut it, nothing will.
- Comment on Like it or not, I won 1 year ago:
IDK, I was in the other room with my sister.
- Comment on Like it or not, I won 1 year ago:
That many, huh… maybe we should have eaten them instead of letting them go.