- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 4 days ago:
On what?
- Comment on questions about sex toys: would it be a bad idea to fully insert a vibrating egg in my bum? 2 months ago:
If the feeling is in your gut and not your ass it may be too deep.
- Comment on How would you describe a power-lifter-type physique specifically? 2 months ago:
“Yoked to the max”
(Or just “yoked”)
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 2 months ago:
If you want to reduce how audible you are outside your room you can add some sound dampening material to your walls and door and seal air cracks around your door. Those black spiked foam wall panels or heavy curtains are probably best for sound dampening, but something as simple and cheap as paper egg cartons on your walls will greatly reduce how much sound gets through.
- Comment on Balatro Dev Calls Out PEGI For "Real Gambling" Rating Hypocrisy Vs. EA Sports FC 2 months ago:
It’s true that playing for money is a huge part of playing poker at all, both casually and professionally. Does that mean a game just teaching poker hands should be considered as adult as actual gambling? If so, a game like The Binding of Isaac should get the same 18+ as Balatro since it has actual slot machines that you put money into, but instead it gets a 16+.
- Comment on Balatro Dev Calls Out PEGI For "Real Gambling" Rating Hypocrisy Vs. EA Sports FC 2 months ago:
Agreed that it’s ridiculous, but there are plenty of other games out there that are less objectionable, like ones that are played almost exclusively by kids.
- Comment on Primitive Technology: Two Walled Tiled Hut 2 months ago:
How is it different from any other subtitling?
- Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 2 months ago:
We would need to ignore how destitute the rest of the world would need to be for a superpower to full-on collapse in its entirety. I’m also assuming you mean that there’s zero semblance of order or organized society.
The military would get recalled and leave American bases, strategic territory, and other occupied areas undefended and open to capture. Economies that rely heavily on trade with the US would need to find new trading partners to prevent potential economic collapse and it might not even save them if they can’t get similar enough agreements or pricing. There are countries that also rely heavily on straight US aid, either monetarily or goods, that would collapse themselves or force them to align with whichever country would give them new aid. Global healthcare would dip without the drugs manufactured by the US. No American commodities like oil or food makes prices of those commodities go up everywhere else.
People around the world would be afraid. Whatever you may think of the American government and US politics, the average US citizen/resident is quite removed from the goings on of the federal government. The states on their own have a lot of independence and some would likely survive a collapse in federal leadership, but if federal, state, and local government all collapsed together it would be something serious enough to warrant attention from other countries with similar structure to the US.
- Comment on Star Citizen players after giving Chris Roberts a month’s pay for a 400-meter Liberator-class carrier by Shitfuck Industries 2 months ago:
What exists right now is full of jank, but if you played it or even followed the patch to patch development you could see they’re consistently building foundations for a game that is simultaneously:
- Fully physicalized
- Physics based
- Open world
- High fidelity
- Fully persistent
Considering how no game like what SC is supposed to be has come out in the time SC has been in development, it must not be that easy of a game to make.
I got into SC in December of last year and have seen their progress and have been to play and participate in all of it while only spending 45 USD on the base package. Nothing else is needed to join since all ships eventually come out in game as buyable for in game money and I bought nearly every ship like that.
CIG certainly sells ships to whales, but to them it’s necessary for their commitment to no publishers or large investors.
- Comment on Star Citizen players after giving Chris Roberts a month’s pay for a 400-meter Liberator-class carrier by Shitfuck Industries 2 months ago:
It’s been 12 years and no game like what it’s supposed to be has come out so I guess it’s not that easy of a game to make
- Comment on Its in the details... 2 months ago:
I don’t like how absent of shit this post is
- Comment on Control 2 will be an action-RPG, and the first game is getting a significant update in 2025 3 months ago:
That sour electric aroma you can smell is the collective anxiety-stench of games journalists trying to decide whether it’s worth sitting through the full investor presentation in the hopes of discovering some proper context for these pitiful morsels - perhaps even a unique angle which none of those other hacks have discovered, the feckless layabouts.
So he’s taking his frustrations out on the reader by padding his article with sympathy-bait? I’ve come to really dislike Rock Paper Shotgun articles lately
- Comment on Back 4 Blood 2 appears to be a thing, which is a shame, because I'd rather play a new Evolve 3 months ago:
I’d like to remember Evolve more fondly than I do, but I just didn’t have as much fun with it as I hoped. My strongest memories are of feeling annoyed at a constantly recharging jetpack
- Comment on Remedy Has Recouped 'Most' of the Development and Marketing Expenses for Alan Wake 2 3 months ago:
Hopefully it’ll come out on steam next year or something as a single complete edition, just like Control.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
It was a good decision. It was also smart of them to review the initial 100 planet goal to add some much needed context
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
I understand, what confused me was your claim about the common understanding of the term when there are very much two valid and ubiquitous contexts.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
I can understand you have different criteria for dedicated servers, but private servers are certainly not generally characterized by still being on 1st party hardware. You need only look at private servers for Minecraft, WoW, and the like
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
I would say private server is more what you’re referring to, also CIG’s wording, but maybe agree to disagree. A quick search says that they haven’t cancelled that feature, but it’ll appropriately be the very last thing they work on
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
How are they gone? The current servers are hosted by CIG, there’s no p2p or host server. How would that even work for an MMO?
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
Meshing tests have gone up to 2000 and the shards that were left on overnight were 300-500. The current evocati build of 4.0 has meshing enabled, just limited to 100 for now
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
Personally, I don’t think they should be aiming for 100 anymore, even if it was promised. That number was for the original pitch and was arbitrarily high since it was for a much shallower and easier to create game
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
Today was day one of Citizencon and CIG revealed a lot of stuff that shows they’re still working to give players the game they want. Most of it was actually tech to answer the scalability problem for everyone wondering how they’re going to get to 100 star systems when they still only have 1
- Comment on 12 Years and $700 Million Later, What's Going on With Star Citizen's Development? 4 months ago:
Stat Citizen has its problems, but it’s literally not vaporware since there’s something available that you can download and play with.
- Comment on Cloud Imperium quietly steal Star Citizen developers' weekends from under them with mandated overtime in the lead up to Citizencon 4 months ago:
Who okayed this article? It’s just a signal boost of the Inside Gaming article with nothing new added besides anti-Cloud Imperium fluff. Also, they actually misrepresent the lieu time given, conflating the Citizencon lieu time for the Squadron 42 lieu time that has a restriction on when it can be used. As far as the original article goes, there aren’t any know restrictions on the former.
- Comment on Resident Evil and No More Heroes creators join long list of devs who think Metacritic is bad for game dev 5 months ago:
This makes sense coming from Suda51. I imagine other devs whose games have mostly cult followings would agree as well. Metacritic has the exact same problems as Rotten Tomatoes.
- Comment on GE-Proton 9-12 released with fixes for Star Citizen, Bully: Scholarship and more 5 months ago:
Anyone use proton-ge for Star Citizen? Would like to use it because it’s more up to date than wine-ge, but mouse sensitivity just doesn’t feel right in comparison
- Comment on Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic cooperation agreement on Control 2 5 months ago:
I can agree that challenging Steam is probably a good thing, but right now Steam just gives so much more value to Devs and publishers. Steam provides:
- a review system
- remote play
- the workshop
- discussion threads
- cards and the points store
and that’s just what I can think of, not including the player specific stuff like library sharing.
Devs and publishers pay more, but get a community and ecosystem in return instead of just a platform.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
Elden Ring with the Seamless Co-op mod. It’s not difficult or complicated to set up and it works extremely well
- Comment on Close call 6 months ago:
Number go up
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Is this the same? Almost every original word is swapped out