How are they gone? The current servers are hosted by CIG, there’s no p2p or host server. How would that even work for an MMO?
How are they gone? The current servers are hosted by CIG, there’s no p2p or host server. How would that even work for an MMO? 4 months ago
dedicated servers == player-hosted servers, usually 4 months ago
I would say private server is more what you’re referring to, also CIG’s wording, but maybe agree to disagree. A quick search says that they haven’t cancelled that feature, but it’ll appropriately be the very last thing they work on 4 months ago
the common understanding of “dedicated server” is a server binary you can download and run yourself. a “private server” is usually still hosted on the company’s hardware. 4 months ago
I can understand you have different criteria for dedicated servers, but private servers are certainly not generally characterized by still being on 1st party hardware. You need only look at private servers for Minecraft, WoW, and the like