- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Biden didn’t ask Trump to sell National Security secrets to the Russians.
Biden didn’t ask Putin to trade those secrets to Iran.
Biden didn’t ask Iran to use said secrets and launch an attack on Israel to start a war that the U.S. would be forced to support in order to take away resources and attention from Putin’s war in Ukraine.
But Biden IS a Zionist.
You can criticize him for his support of Palestinian genocide, and rightly so. But you would be sadly mistaken if you withhold your vote for Biden and allow a Trump Presidency, who would not only continue the Palestinian genocide, but allow a Ukrainian one and a Taiwanese one as well… And perhaps fully and finally bring Totalitarianism to the U.S. since why not, he made it so close on January 6th anyways.
- Comment on *sad laughing noises* 11 months ago:
I actually have a multiple choice question on my General User training that goes something like:
If someone attempts to elicit classified information from you, and a heated argument erupts, what action should you take?
A) Inform Company Security of the event B) Provide a non-answer and defer or distract from the current line of questioning C) Prove them wrong by giving them the classified information D) A & B
So far no one has chosen C, thankfully.
- Comment on *sad laughing noises* 11 months ago:
Me @27 IT is boring and the wages suck, I lack human empathy so I’ll try Defense Contracting
Me @36 Well the money is nice, but the risk of Engineers spilling national security secrets every day is stressful AF.
- Comment on "Evolution" by Sarah Andersen 11 months ago:
A horseshoe crab is fucking gnarly, bro. You see this brown, almost crescent/spherical object with a pointy tail skuttling along, innocuously along the bottom of the shallows, and moving at a decent pace. It’s so different from anything else you’d expect to see with the tides, and much larger too. Bigger than any crab, bigger than most fish that like to hang at that shallow depth.
It looks fairly non threatening too, with a poor reaction time. So like any kid you pick it up by it’s tail, and then, “HOLY FUCK!” Nightmare fuel, as you look under it’s carapace and at the many legs writhing underneath like some Cthulhu fever dream.
You put it back down in the water and let it do it’s thing.
I’ve never witnessed it in person before, but my Mom who was an Environmental chemist for the EPA saw these things breeding once, and it’s like a giant migration to the shallows and shore for these things to engage in one giant orgy. Just absolute hundreds of them coming to fuck in the name of their Nameless God.
- Comment on Social acceptability 11 months ago:
Found the dude from 1920
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
Making the Calm Lands a grind fest was Grade A trolling by Squaresoft in retrospect.
- Comment on I just finished DS9, and I'm sad to know that we'll never get anything like it again 1 year ago:
I’m still trying to motivate to watch the last season of The Expanse. I was blown away by the first 4 seasons, was a bit ‘meh’ about season 5, and now it’s just sitting there waiting for me