IT-Nerd, Systemadministrator und Rollenspiel-Fan. Teilzeit Retrogame-Streamer
I use Arch by the way 😂
Man findet mich auch auf Mastodon unter: @darkmetatron@rollenspiel.social
- Comment on [Ahoy] What genre is DOOM? 10 months ago:
“The term boomer shooter has a rather nebulous origin, and it likely started as a joke. Online pedants often point out that the original first-person shooters were developed by Gen-Xers like John Carmack (born 1970) and John Romero (born 1967), not Baby Boomers. However, “boomer shooter” uses the slang version of the term boomer, as a stand-in for any older person who is closed-minded and out of touch—so please, direct those complaints elsewhere.”
- Comment on [Ahoy] What genre is DOOM? 10 months ago:
I have not seen the video but I think the correct modern answer nowadays is: “boomer shooter”
- Comment on Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. 11 months ago:
Comparing modern game with games from the olden days is a little bit like comparing a savery steam pump with a modern internal combustion engine. Sure the general principles are identical but the complexity of the system is a manifold of the other.
I really love retro games, i have very fond memories of the C64 and SNES, but i am not a fan of the glorification of those games. Only a small part of the old games are still fun today and lots of them have bugs. Secret of Mana on the SNES for example has a fun bug where leveling all weapons and spells to max can create a overflow error in the final fight of the game, which removes the mana hero completely from the game, rendering the last fight impossible because only the mana hero can damage the mana dragon significantly.
- Comment on What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack? 1 year ago:
Great Gianna Sisters on the C64
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
There is a much better novel adaptation/interpretation of the last episode of Enterprise named “The Good That Men Do”. I can only recommend reading that instead of watching the episode.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Get I teleported into the game as the hero? Then I have to mine for a while, find a strange artefact, have a seizure and then fly off into space with a helpful robot… were I will most likely die due to space pirates a I have no idea how to pilot a spaceship for real.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I recently played Phantasy Star on the Master System (the original from 1987) and I really loved the game in general, story was fun and the characters (as little as you see from them) were cool. But I have two issues with the game
- The huge, multi level first person dungeons without a map and without any landmarks to navigate by.
- Hardly any information on what to do next or where to go, just walking over the map until you find, by chance, the correct place or NPC to get further.
Both points made me drop the game about 2/3th in. I don’t have the time for that kind of gameplay, I am not 12 anymore.