- Comment on Two NSW Health nurses have been stood down after video emerged showing them allegedly bragging about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients. 4 weeks ago:
I think you’re probably right to be honest, it’s a whole different ballgame to actually harm people than it is to just talk shit on the internet. But damn, what a lack of forethought that was on their part.
- Comment on Two NSW Health nurses have been stood down after video emerged showing them allegedly bragging about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients. 4 weeks ago:
If you’re going to refuse treatment for anyone based on who they are, you probably shouldn’t be in medicine in the first place. If you’re going to brag about actively harming or killing people who are dependent on your help, don’t be shocked if you end up locked up for it.
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
I can’t believe that “My Summer Car” isn’t on here, I feel like it fits the theme of amazing but slightly disturbing Finnish games
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
I might be misunderstanding the question, so if you’re looking to make an existing android device you have work like this, please ignore the below.
Maybe a Google Nest Mini would do what you’re looking for? It’s definitely got the ability to be interacted with entirely verbally, but I guess the downside is a smaller selection of apps that do work with it (there is a list on the Google store of which apps it works with)
- Comment on How do offline, local groups get started and reach others now? 4 months ago:
I think posters/flyers are one of the most powerful ways to reach people in a local area, you’ve got to be in the local area to see them, right?
Another way to spread the word can be via the internet, Facebook is god awful, but a lot of communities will have something akin to a noticeboard that is another effective way to get the word out.
- Comment on I don't have AC but my apartment lease covers unlimited water usage and the water is very cold. How can I best use this to cool my home? 8 months ago:
You could try and make a DIY swamp cooler? There’s lots of instructions online for how to make them, and basically the only consumable is water. The only caveat is that they work by drawing hot air in from an open window to evaporate water, so it’s not very effective in high humidity or low temperatures.
- Comment on The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread 9 months ago:
I’ve recently been playing a lot of We Who Are About To Die, and even though it’s an early access game, its been great fun. It’s a roguelite physics-based arena fighter where you play as an aspiring gladiator, and fight your way up the ranks. The multiple types of matches and mutators really keep the gameplay feeling fresh, and the mechanics are surprisingly deep.
The other game that I’ve been playing a lot is Dinkum, which is somewhat like a mix of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley, with heavy Australian Outback overtones. It’s a nice game to play with friends and significant others, since there’s plenty to do with a good mix of action and cosy gameplay.
- Comment on I've failed this November's challenge 1 year ago:
The car and road are from the cover of a Nickleback album: