- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #7 - Battlezone 98 Redux 5 months ago:
Lands of Lore, together with English-Dutch dictionary cause little me got stuck every few steps.
- Comment on Openblack is a an attempt to recreate lost god game Black & White in a modern, open source game engine 5 months ago:
That’s very unlikely since the rights to who owns the IP are all over the place. I thought NoClip has a doc on it.
- Comment on Nine Inch Nails To Do "TRON: Ares" Score 6 months ago:
You’re right! I’m totally misremembering this.
- Comment on Nine Inch Nails To Do "TRON: Ares" Score 6 months ago:
I agree, and that year Daft Punk didn’t win the Oscar cause NiN snatched it
- Comment on New Elite Dangerous spaceship is advertised as a space trucker's dream, but it'll cost ya 6 months ago:
So in order to make more money you need to spend real money. You have your spacetruck, haul faster, haul more, get rich, to buy nothing…?
- Comment on You merely adopted the hustle, this guy was born with it 6 months ago:
I know it’s illegal. But I mean it’s stupid that it is, cause it’s harmless. Maybe that’s me being Dutch, but it’s so hypocritical.
- Comment on You merely adopted the hustle, this guy was born with it 6 months ago:
Just so that we’re on the same page. It isn’t a crime, right?
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 8 months ago:
Ah you’re a fellow Heroes of the Storm enjoyer?
- Comment on Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser 8 months ago:
Lenny indeed lacks some casual fucks, almost every thread has some extreme opinions. I had someone unironically try to explain to me why it would be beneficial to the human race to go extinct.
- Comment on Adam Driver Says Kylo Ren’s Original ‘Star Wars’ Arc Got Overhauled: He Was Supposed to Be the ‘Most Committed to the Dark Side’ by the End 1 year ago:
I do think he is attractive but it’s the charisma, not his looks. In the same way Depp is attractive.
- Comment on Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision 1 year ago:
I see your SoF and raise you a Heretic/Hexen revival