- Comment on WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing" 1 year ago:
Because I think quality of presentation is not being factored into the assessments you’re seeing on that wiki.
I tend to recommend Healthline to the public because it clearly targets a lay audience, and chooses to meet that audience where they live. It’s written the way I talk to my patients, and the information is accurate and accessibly easier to read.
Just look at the difference between the pages on hypertension from Healthline and…/high-blood-pressure-hypertension
The details and accuracy of the information is not different. But the way Healthline presents it is so much more accessible.
- Comment on WebMD forcing employees back to office. "We aren’t asking or negotiating at this point. We’re informing" 1 year ago:
The best thing to happen from WebMD is you got a bunch of actual medical providers like Mayo Clinic, University of Maryland, Merck Manual that went, “GAH! No!!” and made actually informative, updated medical websites.
Healthline, kids. Healthline is where we go for our medical information.
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
This Podcast Will Kill You
They did a whole series on Covid including the history of development of vaccines
- Comment on All in the Memery 1 year ago:
Lmao, I’m your age and literally inhaled a bag of Werther’s while I had Covid because Paxlovid tastes so bad. And I’m about to buy a cane for those days when it would be very helpful to make my invisible disability more visible to all those people trying to rush around me in the grocery store.
- Comment on Outdoor plants are a different breed 1 year ago:
No, dracaena species in particular are sensitive to minerals and fluoride in tap water. I water my dracaena with bleach sterilized rainwater (after a livingroom-wide leaf spot outbreak a couple years ago). They’re just fussy.
- Comment on Merry Christmas 1 year ago:
Your facts don’t support your conclusion, kiddo.
- Comment on Merry Christmas 1 year ago:
We’re all saying that you’re up-playing it. It’s not that hard to understand.
Here, let me help you:
- Comment on The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up 1 year ago:
Oh, ya. I could work like that, but I need health insurance, sadly.
- Comment on The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up 1 year ago:
I’m curious how many hours you work in one day? I work three 12hr shifts. It’s still better than working that M-F 9-5 nonsense
- Comment on Can videogames trigger a heart attack? 1 year ago:
Hmm, “current went missing” isn’t a phrase I’m used to hearing. I wonder if the cardiogram was indicating some level of heart block (often not a dangerous condition, just something to monitor).
With the high fibrinogen, they’re probably concerned about clotting. I wonder, did they check a blood test called d-dimer by chance?
I’m glad you’ll be seeing a doctor soon. We have a lot of good treatments for cardiac conditions these days.
- Comment on Can videogames trigger a heart attack? 1 year ago:
May I ask you about the nature of your heart problems exactly?
Because a “heart attack” is not actually a medical thing. What people usually mean when they say “heart attack” is what we call a myocardial infarction (lack of blood flow to the heart muscle caused by a blockage or constriction in a coronary artery.) And less commonly people use the term “heart attack” to refer to cardiac arrest where the heart just stops beating for some reason. (Myocardial infarction can turn into cardiac arrest, but cardiac arrest can happen because of any number of other things as well.)
So do you have a confirmed occlusion of a coronary artery? Or do you have a diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia of some kind? What are they planning to do to treat you? Because “don’t get excited” isn’t a long term management strategy. It’s usually just to get you through until you find a successful treatment.
- Comment on Risks of CPR 1 year ago:
Dark healthcare provider humor incoming: When considering these kinds of questions regarding CPR, we actually say, “Well, they ain’t getting any deader.”
CPR actually reverses death. That’s why it only works sometimes and only if provided in a very short window of time after you’ve died. Nothing that is done during CPR is going to make that worse. So yeah, the reality is that it’s a little bit of a controlled free-for-all. It’s called “heroic measures” for a reason.
- Comment on Anyone remember anything about 2021 1 year ago:
If you worked in healthcare, there was a pretty clear delineation. We got vaccines and people stopped fucking dying so much.
I opened 2021 to one of our chronic dialysis patients getting admitted for Covid, so severely short of breath they needed to go to the critical care stepdown unit, and I thought "this is it " By the time I was able to arrive at the hospital to run their dialysis, this person was already off oxygen and up walking around their room.
Come to find out, they had been vaccinated. I’m told that was one of the first people in the State of Massachusetts who got Covid after being vaccinated, and the difference in severity was so dramatic I’ll never forget it.
That and movie theaters reopening are the only reasons I remember 2021. It was just a lot less scary even though I was still working like crazy.
- Comment on Take me back 1 year ago:
I mean, my great grandmother gave birth to nine children. So I wouldn’t be so quick to assume they’re mostly blended families. One mother having that many children without dying wasn’t uncommon. (It’s just that dying in childbirth also wasn’t uncommon.)
- Comment on 1 year ago:
The original r/196 subreddit had a rule that if you visited the sub, you were required to post a meme before you left. A lot of people tried to follow the rule, but weren’t able to come up with a good post title on such short notice, and started just naming their post after that rule. After some time it became a meme in and of itself to include the word “rule” in your post title somehow
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
As a nurse, the reactionary response of anti-vax conservatives to the pandemic really put the lie to Maslow. Human beings absolutely prioritize belonging above their basic survival needs.
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
There are people living in vans scraping by on meager SS who are happy as peaches with their new life right up until some illness or injury lands them in my hospital unit and they have no option for support except our horrific nursing home system.
Don’t fetishize poverty.
- Comment on Youtube is allowing Youtubers to advertise their merch even for premium users 1 year ago:
I mean. I like seeing merch from my favorite creators and sometimes I buy it. T-shirts are cool. It’s easier for me to know what’s available if there are thumbnails large enough for me to actually see the product.
And these links appear below the video, they are not intrusive to the watching experience in any way whatsoever. So yeah, I genuinely think this is a huge overreaction.
I pay for premium and not even once have I thought anything other than “oh cool, this channel has merch”
- Comment on Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1 year ago:
YOU are a murderer.
My sister was bleeding to death from an incomplete miscarriage of a very much wanted pregnancy in Ohio ten years ago. You know how they fix that problem? The exact same medical procedure that is used for elective abortion.
You would have preferred that my sister bleed to death or die if sepsis for no reason. You are trying to murder my sister.
In case you think that doesn’t really happen:
“On 21 October 2012, Halappanavar, then 17 weeks pregnant, was examined at University Hospital Galway after complaining of back pain, but was soon discharged without a diagnosis. She returned to the hospital later that day, this time complaining of lower pressure, a sensation she described as feeling “something coming down”, and a subsequent examination found that the gestational sac was protruding from her body. She was admitted to hospital, as it was determined that miscarriage was unavoidable, and several hours later, just after midnight on 22 October, her water broke but did not expel the fetus.[8]: 22–26 [8]: 29 [9] The following day, on 23 October, Halappanavar discussed abortion with her consulting physician but her request was promptly refused, as Irish law at that time forbade abortion if a fetal heartbeat was still present.[8]: 33 [10] Afterwards, Halappanavar developed sepsis and, despite doctors’ efforts to treat her, had a cardiac arrest at 1:09 AM on 28 October, and died, aged 31”
- Comment on Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1 year ago:
And you just WON!!! I love you, thank you so so much. My sister suffered an incomplete miscarriage in Ohio a decade ago. A ban on abortion could have killed her. You just saved my sister’s life. I just want you to know about the real people you’re actually helping and please go out there and keep being awesome.
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
Oh neat! I live in basically Little Brazil, Massachusetts and they text laugh like that as well.
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
I see you too have Brazilian friends lol
- Comment on Stop using Fandom 1 year ago:
I don’t see a lot of Hollow Knight fans around here yet so I popped over to the HK community on that other website. Confirm: this video is one of the top trending on YouTube today lol. I figured, mossbag is…shall we say a very well-known figure in the community, if you’re not in the know.
I absolutely still rely on the wiki for HK shit I can’t remember like boss HP scaling and where tf was that last item I need for that one upgrade god dammit?? Glad to see them move to somewhere independent. Will donate.
- Comment on PEACHES COME FROM A CAN 1 year ago:
Millions of peaches! Peaches for me. Millions of peaches! Peaches for free.
- Comment on Every Rockstar Game Ever Released: A Full History - IGN 1 year ago:
“SMASH the corporation!”
State of Emergency was truly ahead of its time.
- Comment on Are there any people who hates music? 1 year ago:
Deaf people can still feel vibrations from music, and in my experience tend to enjoy that quite a lot
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
The Commuter Rail is notoriously as expensive as parking
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
ding ding ding We have a winner! How did you know? 😑
Of course, at the rate they’re consolidating, we’re all gonna be working for MGH soon enough.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
I’m a nurse who uses 24-hr time at work and it’s about 50/50 with me saying “fourteen hundred” or “2pm” when speaking. I generally find that my colleagues understand both and use both interchangeably.
- Comment on 'Wildly more expensive': Workers with in-office jobs spend about $31/day that they wouldn't working from home — here's what employers need to do 1 year ago:
One of the big Boston hospitals tried to recruit me for their transplant team once. They wanted to pay me $15,000/year LESS for the privilege of commuting into Boston five days a week and paying for my own parking. Fuck that noise. I’ll stay at my little community hospital, thanks. Prestige ain’t gonna pay my mortgage.