- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Great comment!
There’s similar legal issues with the “right to a private copy” many European countries have. Those laws were made to allow people to make a copy of their media, in case the original breaks. Important to note is that those private copies weren’t allowed to be distributed to anyone, not even lent to a friend.
This worked well at the time for cassettes and VHS, which did break occasionally.
But at some point most CDs came with copy protection, which got broken pretty quickly. But at least in Germany, they are still considered “working copy protection” and thus are illegal to circumvent, even for a otherwise legal private copy.
The same is the case with Switch games: Copyright owners use copy protection to make otherwise legal use cases illegal.
E.g. Nintendo made it so that Switch games can only be played by decrypting the ROMs, which is illegal for anyone except Nintendo.
At least that’s their standpoint which was never tested in court but it’s not unlikely that it’d be accepted.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on OnlyEncodes Open For Application 2 months ago:
Many encodes of their internal groups are also on TL. Other content is likely shared with TL.
Idk about fake YTS, but it not being fake is an advantage.
- Comment on OnlyEncodes Open For Application 2 months ago:
Their internal groups focus on 3-8GB x265 1080p movie encodes.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
You put it in a hole, done. Humanity is capable of that, for sure
Looking at the discussion where this hole should be doesn’t give me confidence. Everyone wants long term storage, but no one wants it near themselves.
We’re producing nuclear waste for half a decade and there’s still no long term storage location. The generation who created this early waste is currently dying away and I don’t think the generation after wants to deal with the problem either.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Not everything is about economics, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be talking about renewables at all.
Taking the long term impact of coal, gas and oil on our climate and nature into account, renewables are cheaper. The cost of destroyed infrastructure through (ever more likely) extreme weather events alone is immense and often not taken into account, not to mention the impact on food.
The amount of money countries have is limited. If the goal is to replace coal, gas and oil as quickly as possible it’s more efficient to use cheaper technology.
As for “free energy”, no energy is free.
Yes, my point was about already built solar and wind turbines, that lose money the moment they are not running. The same is true for a powered down nuclear reactor, as the fuel isn’t the expensive part of the operation.
My point is that technology that is expensive even if not curently in use, does not make for good backup power. This makes renewables and nuclear not a good combination, as it’s quite expensive.Biomass isn’t practical as it releases far too much emissions to be worth it, you almost might as well use gas.
Yes, biogass is only an option as an addition and shouldn’t be used continuously (for backup power it should be fine).
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Oh I agree. Keeping the status quo is a terrible idea and will get increasingly more expensive (as in increased likelihood for extreme weather events which are bad for health, food, infrastructur, …).
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
People arguing against nuclear power for it’s cost, unclear timlines, usually don’t argue for coal, oil and gas.
Wind and solar are cheaper, continue to get cheaper and can be built within years, not decades.Also, renewables are a proven technology while proposals for new nuclear reactor tech are often never been deployed successfully (as in running continuously and actually contributing to the grid).
Also, it’s not even that stable. France had to import power from Germany’s (renewables) because half of their nuclear reactors were failing in 2022. [1]
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
Nuclear stocks rise and fall with state funding. It’s neither practical to privately ensure a fission recator, nor is it practical to build them privately.
There are better investments.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
You’re telling me humanity will able to manage nuclear waste for hundreds to thousands of years, given the fall of multiple great societies over the last few thousand years?
It’s not even a solved problem how to communicate danger with signs[1], and you think knowledge about where nuclear waste is being stored will be preserved for a thousand years?
I really envy you for your optimism in humanity.
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 2 months ago:
No one is suggesting Nuclear as the only source of energy. It is very helpful though for grid firming and reducing the amount of expensive and environmentally destructive energy storage therefore reducing the overall cost of operating the grid while increasing reliability and reducing land usage and environmental damage.
Nuclear reactors are not useful for grid firming in a renewable grid, because they have to running at 100℅ all the time to be anywhere near economical.
Renewables (Wind-/Solar) aren’t the most predictable sources of energy, so they need something to jump in when power demand is higher than supply. Nuclear reactors can’t deliver on that use case, while battery-storage, pump storage, biomass etc. can.
This means a grid with 30℅ nuclear would have to stop wind turbines and solar panels (free energy, since they are already built) instead of powering down more costly biomass. This results in more expensive renewables (as they aren’t used to their full capacity).
- Comment on Analogue’s 4K Nintendo 64 launches next year for $249 4 months ago:
Analogue likely doesn’t emulate the hardware at the transistor level, as it’s far more difficult than doing what most Software Emulators do.
From an interesting (altough non-conclusive) HN-thread:
Without seeing the code, it’s impossible to know where Analog’s implementation falls on the spectrum of software emulation vs hardware simulation. There is nothing magical about FPGAs that automatically makes anything developed with them a 1:1 representation of real hardware. In fact, there are plenty of instances where the FPGA version of a particular console is literally just a representation of a popular emulator only in verilog/vhdl. In many instances, even the best FPGA implementations of some systems are still only simulating system level behavior. Off the top of my head, one famously difficult case is audio, where many chips have analog circuitry that cannot be fully simulated. [1]
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
I disagree with the notion that it’s better for the cheaters to have an easier time (and less chance of being detected), but you’re right, BattleEye doesn’t solve the cheating problem for GTA.
Rockstar should fix their netcode and run game server on dedicated server, instead of their customers PC’s. I’d think decting aimbot isn’t the biggest issue, while cheaters are able to break entire lobbies…
IMO no game should require client side anti cheat except for shooters, where looking through walls and aimbot is actually difficult to detect server side. At least for those is it possible to find valid arguments (except for being lazy).
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Cheat makers are likely behind this, asthey have monetary incentives to do so. If its Linux users I’d feel bad because stopping others from playing just because they can’t, is extremely bad behaviour.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Steam Families is here - Steam News 5 months ago:
It’s one year cooldown after joining a family share. I.e. if you leave half a year after joining, you have to wait another half a year to join another family share.
Adults can leave a family at any time, however, they will need to wait 1 year from when they joined the previous family to create or join a new family.
- Comment on It’s official: No Nintendo console has lasted as long as Switch without being replaced 7 months ago:
I wonder whether they’ll only release an OLED Switch, or if they’ll sell the LED Switch first again.
As an enthusiast I’d be pretty pissed knowing to either wait a few years for the OLED or having to buy a second switch at some point. Reason being I can’t imagine going back to an LED after gaming on an OLED for years. My phone constantly shows me what my Steam Deck is missing.
- Comment on Let's discuss: LEGO Games 11 months ago:
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was the first game I played. So great that I even bought it on disk, to buy it again on Steam.
In general LEGO games are fun and through collaboration with other IP’s, there’s so many different awesome games. Many of them quite cheap in sales.
- Comment on [PSA] broke in Wine / Proton - here's how to fix for Steam Deck / Linux 1 year ago:
I’m so happy I finally ditched, since Overwatch is now on Steam. through proton and wine often crashed or had other issues.
- Comment on Valve Says Counter-Strike 2 for macOS Not Happening Because There Aren't Enough Players on Mac to Justify It 1 year ago:
I don’t like this decision, since I know the lack of support for different platforms than Windowy as someone playing on Linux. Valve invests into proton and thus game support on Steam Deck and ChromeOS, so I’d have thought they’d make sure CS runs on all platforms.
- Comment on Counter-Strike 2 probably releases next week 1 year ago:
Valve announced the day Danger Zone was released with a similar tweet.
What are you doing next Wednesday?
What are you doing Wednesday?
So it might just be a big update, maybe with Danger Zone.
We really don’t know.