- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Yep, that’s p much what they’re doing with’m They’re not nearly as delicious tho
- Comment on Edison 8 months ago:
Adios and adieu also both refer to god; I’m sure other Romance languages say goodbye similarly but I don’t know Italian or Romanian or whatever
- Comment on Is there another way to do it...? 9 months ago:
Doesn’t work if, like in my line of work, you have to cite specific locations in each paper for data verification. Sci-hub is your friend, when it works
- Comment on Amazing 9 months ago:
He’s one of those kooks who drank colloidal silver and developed argyria
Prob. big into Ron Paul and chiropractic
- Comment on Boring ass planet 9 months ago:
Venus isn’t a planet either. It’s a hell-sphere. But that makes it even more rad 🤘
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 9 months ago:
Absence of an inner monologue does not mean that there is no thought process. I’ve done just fine without one myself.
- Comment on kids are gowing up faster and faster 10 months ago:
Give it a few years, they’ll be picking it up in middle school at least
My daughter has scored very high in math this year in fifth grade so they wanted to give her more advanced stuff, like moving into basic statistics. She isn’t having any of it though, she hates math and gets terrible anxiety from it. Can’t say I blame her, I was the same way.
…yet I’d cherish a job where I’d just spend all day futzing around in R
- Comment on evangelism 10 months ago:
The Onion’s TED parodies capture this dumb shit perfectly
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
It just dropped the canister with the Metroid hatchling
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
Hell yeah.
Pokémon: [day one] I wanna be the best Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen! [20 seasons later] Wow I got another gym badge! Pikachu is pretty decent!
Digimon: [day one] Oh this poor kitten, gotta save it from these big jerks! [end of season] Today, we must destroy God.
- Comment on Getting old sucks 10 months ago:
I preferred when they were originally Vin Diesel jokes, not the least in part because Chuck Norris is a chud
- Comment on Life was better in the nineties and noughties, say most Britons 10 months ago:
Someone said that the ‘90s were probably the best time to be a young adult in the US (with obvious exceptions of course), and having become one after 9/11–I got my first degree literally ten days after that—I am inclined to agree.
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
I still use that, and I’m trying to bring def back but I got none of the rizz to do it
- Comment on Hypersensitive tankie mod 10 months ago:
Okay, gotcha, I was looking at it from their point of view, which is that everything to them is bigotry, not realizing that that’s what you were saying in the first place. The bad, it is mine.
- Comment on Hypersensitive tankie mod 10 months ago:
.ml tends to slap “rule 1” on everything, which says don’t be a bigot, even if that’s obviously not what the comment was about.
[emphasis mine]
Sure about that? From what I’ve seen, anything said in disagreement with the predominant opinion over there is deemed “bigotry”. They don’t appear to be interested in ingratiating anyone to the cause.
- Comment on RIP in pieces 10 months ago:
Bummer about those thalidomide arms though
- Comment on RIP in pieces 10 months ago:
That connectivity in hard-to-reach places—much like free speech absolutism—is conditional upon whether he (or the dictator of an invading force, with whom he agrees) will allow it
- Comment on RIP in pieces 10 months ago:
I’m hearing this in Dana Carvey’s Tom Brokaw.
“And he was delicious.”
- Comment on Forbidden cats 11 months ago:
Foxes too, they’re as acrid as skunks are. Lovely creatures, but let’s appreciate them from afar.
- Comment on 3 days 🤯 11 months ago:
You better start believing in huge 3D printers
…you’re in one!
- Comment on 3 days 🤯 11 months ago:
He already had a circlejerk with another poster talking about how China can do it in days (because no osha, you know), and then! said it could also be done more inexpensively by reusing the steel from the collapsed bridge, that, you know, is structurally compromised by the collapse and I can’t imagine the water it’s submerged in is good for its integrity either
- Comment on I feel old 11 months ago:
Okay gramgram, let’s get you to beddy-bye
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
Ha, sure thing, turbo. More like great way to tell everyone I’m better at managing my money than some o’ y’all, doing the bare minimum of not spending hundreds of dollars on a pretend spaceship in an unfinished video game.
I really hope you forgot the /s there because, wow.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
Right? That kind of money goes toward a component of a PC that would have multiple uses. Not just one part of a game (pronounced like a gun is in Wayne’s World)
- Comment on No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul 11 months ago:
Wow, only $400 for a thing in a videogame? What a goddamn bargain, sign me right the fuck up!
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Hm. In my experience, -eigh has always been pronounced -ee. In most cases, Leigh is a homophone of Lee, as it comes from an English word meaning “meadow”, and you’ll find many pronunciation guides that confirm this. Not that I find it all that intuitive, I would have assumed it to be pronounced -lay myself, like sleigh or eight. English is dumb like that, and if you or anyone else wants to pronounce it -lay, nothing should stop you.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
To keep in line with the conversation thread, Paisleigh
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Not necessarily. Think Leigh and its relatives (e.g., Ashleigh, Kayleigh, Charleigh*)
*made that one up but still,
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Start one, call it lemmeigh