- Comment on Trump Promises to End New Wind Farms 2 months ago:
I absolutely love that we built a wind farm off the coast of his golf club in Aberdeen and he’s been raging about it ever since.
- Comment on Looking for Overwatch alternatives 7 months ago:
I just started myself, after missing Overwatch 1 and thinking it was similar. To my surprise it is like an Overwatch with a Counterstrike feel to it, which I quite enjoy.
- Comment on Food price fears as Brexit import charges revealed 11 months ago:
Peddled by disaster capitalists and Russian money/propaganda.
And now the Tories want to pull us from the ECHR, to tear away workers rights and further privatise everything to funnel money into their own bank accounts.
It’s damn sad there will never be a “we fucking told you so” moment, because the useful idiots that were used as fodder in this whole mess are too fucking thick to ever understand the gravity of it all.
- Comment on Ubisoft revealed an AI NPC prototype at GDC and everyone online made fun of it 1 year ago:
So… this is just the Mantella mod for Skyrim VR then?
- Comment on Is there a name for downplaying your suffering because other people have bigger problems? 1 year ago:
I used to get this a lot, until someone reversed it on me, and I’ve thought about it this way ever since: If you can’t let yourself suffer because others might have it worse, then you also can’t let yourself be happy, because others have it better.
It’s all about personal experience and perspective.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
It’s just one of the culture war angles propagated by the rich to keep everyone angry with each other while they reap up as much of the world’s wealth as possible before any of the forthcoming disasters- whether that is climate crisis migration, the next financial crisis, AI unemployment crisis, further war, food and water shortages worldwide, etc…
The writing is on the wall, a majority of people can see it too if you ask them, but unfortunately people can’t help but get sucked in anyway. Probably because it’s a distraction from facing the uncertain future we all have.
OR, this is just a tinfoil hat getting the better of me. It feels like a logical conclusion, so maybe that’s the fallacy I’ve fallen for.
- Comment on Ministers set to ban single-use vapes in UK over child addiction fears 1 year ago:
As a teacher, my concern is that our school went from a small group of about 10 smokers, to now just about every kid has a fancy colourful and flavourful disposable vape. It is crazy the sheer number of them. And the number of smokers has dropped significantly in the last 10 years as well.
I don’t know if replacing the small number of smokers in the school for a huge number of vaping children is better, if I’m honest. The amount of them that are addicted to nicotine and energy drinks now is really quite scary.