Already switched to linux
Your next Windows PC may need at least 16GB of RAM
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
My new PC has 64g ram. But I’m also not using or plan to use windows. Checkmate M$!
But in all seriousness, 8g is like, the foundational minimum these days. Sad tbh. Browsers are so bloated these days. I’m surprised that browsers haven’t become their own OS yet. It kinda feels that way in some environments. 11 months ago
My next Windows PC doesn’t need any RAM, because I’m not going to need one. 11 months ago
Microsoft are such weirdos. It’s like they’re trying to empower Google, who will lap up all of the users they abandon as they install Chrome OS, because let’s be honest, the average Jo seldom just installs Linux, so they’ll say, “oh I’ve heard of Chrome, let me try that” 11 months ago
Average users aren’t going to be installing an OS. 10 months ago
I will have no next windows PC anyways. I’ll go out of my way to get one without a windows license, to put linux onto it :) 11 months ago
RAM is cheap, and even if you’re just doing absolute basic shit your current PC will work better with 16GB of RAM (also looking at you here, Apple). If it’s not a phone you’re buying don’t get anything with less than 16GB. 11 months ago
Another reason to move to Linux ;P 10 months ago
Wow! I’m surprised that everyone is so surprised. Windows resource requirements - especially the RAM - have always grown exponentially between major versions. Remember that we started with some 16MB RAM. They have consistently demanded hardware that completely obsoletes the hardware in the market that can run the previous generation of Windows.
Windows is the best example of a software that always manages to completely nullify or even negate the Moore’s law. 11 months ago
If Microsoft wants more RAM just to do AI shit on my computer, I’d rather have even less just to make sure they cant.