More aimed at the left, but a good read
…yeah…this is undeniable.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
More aimed at the left, but a good read
…yeah…this is undeniable.
A rural person and a poor person get fucked alike no matter who wins
Often they are the same.
That’s why Trump message of brining back manufacturing goes over so well in the rural areas. It provided them a decent life.
NAFTA devastated rural areas. Both parties voted for it. Robert reich knew it would destroy unions and it did. Why I find it funny liberals circle jerking over reich. When had a chance to stand up for labor. He didn’t.
Unions are weak because a company can just move to China or Mexico.
the godless disease
I mean, most of the left would consider god the disease. 1 year ago
That was a good read. Well written and informative, but now I am left with so many questions.
That map was eye-opening. It made me wonder why republican controlled areas are doing so poorly. I understand the blame is somehow put on those dang ole democrats, but this doesn’t make sense to me. In all the towns with republican mayors and republican council members, in republican counties in states with republican governors and republican legislatures, with republican controlled congress for much of our recent history, why are so many republican citizens unable to prosper? We have had a string of republican presidents, among which I count Clinton, who was policy-wise, basically a moderate republican. So why are republican areas of the country not doing well? It’s mystifying.
Could it possibly be because of…republican policy? 1 year ago
Vote for whoever or whatever you want, it won’t magically make a town economically prosperous. Democrats won’t bring deep water shipping ports to nowhereville. Progressive policies won’t bring back small towns where the resources dried up. That stuff just isn’t how it works.
Like the republican policy under Reagan and Schwarzenegger that significantly contributed to making California into the economic powerhouse it is today? Or are we just supposed to ignore that because it doesn’t fit your narrative?