- Comment on FBI boss makes clear swift capture of 'Most Wanted' fugitives was no accident – expect more to come 3 days ago:
Ok thanks for straightening me out. I realize I was looking at this:…/most-wanted
All i saw was “Most Wanted” and apparently ignored everything else.
- Comment on FBI boss makes clear swift capture of 'Most Wanted' fugitives was no accident – expect more to come 5 days ago:
This post inspired me to go and look at the fbi’s most wanted list and I shit you not, there’s no violent killers, there is a long list of people wanted for fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud, money laundering, fraudulent investment schemes, tax evasion, etc. It made me think: hey, wasn’t the president convicted of fraud? And tax evasion? I’m pretty sure.
- Comment on Trump’s call to dismantle Education Department shows Republican rightward lurch and his grip on GOP 5 days ago:
So if the dept of education doesn’t exist anymore does that mean federal student loans don’t exist anymore and don’t have to be paid anymore?
- Comment on U.S. homelessness surged 18 percent to record level, annual report says 3 weeks ago:
The liberals are certainly not my comrades.
- Comment on U.S. homelessness surged 18 percent to record level, annual report says 2 months ago:
Sure, you can make rhe case that the origin of the current homelessness crisis goes further back, but it is undeniable that Reagan accelerated the process beyond any other set of post war policies.
You can also point to some short term benefits from that administration but you don’t mention that Reagan (and the party of fiscal responsibility) increased the federal debt from $738 to $2.1 trillion, thus transforming the USA from the worlds largest creditor to the worlds largest debtor.
Since Reagan, many people who called themselves conservatives and those who called themselves liberals both embraced neoliberal policies, and some benefited a lot. The long term consequences we see are dissapearing middle class, ever increasing income inequality and record levels of homelessness.
It also seems like no particular person or party is really to blame, these are just the natural results of late stage capitalism, invisible hand of the market and all that.
- Comment on Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast 6 months ago:
Good point. The answer is never. This is the same reason I don’t trust any Italians from Rome. Those Romans are always going around waging wars of conquest, demanding tributes, look what they did to Carthage! I still hold them dang Romans responsible for all those crucifixions. Horrible!
And don’t even get me started on those Hittites! Constantly conquering people, they had slaves too! Just as bad as the democrats if not worse. Whenever I meet an Assyrian I like to personally thank them for taking care of those Hittite bastards.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Maybe I deserved that. But come to my house we will play some groovy bongo rhythms and I’m sure you will have a good time.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Great question. It turns out protesting doesn’t seem to have that much effect, unless a lot more people participate.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
Yes let’s be honest. Your concern for immigration is really just a cover for your racism, isn’t it? Yeah I thought so.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
I mostly posted my rant just to be contrary, but I still feel like there is something erroneous to this argument, even tho you do make it seem clear and sensible.
I offer Japan as an example: the whole country is very neat, tidy and orderly. People know that if you see garbage, or something out of place, you put it where it belongs. People take the personal responsibility to clean up after themselves very seriously, and willingly clean up after eachother. As it was explained to me, 'If you’re the first person to see it, then you are the person to take care of it."
So you would expect this baseline indication of ethical behavior to translate into other domains. Surprisingly, people who as a group score very well on this test of self-regulation and ethical behavior test seem to have a systemic problem with violence, sexual abuse and sexual harassment against women.…/sexual-assault-in-japan-every-gir…
It could be that individuals not putting things away is a sign of a deeper societal issue, but group or individual fastidiousness doesn’t seem to generalize to broader ethical adherence.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
Nope, I don’t buy it.
- An estimated one out of every 500 Americans is homeless
- Unarmed noncombatant civilian women and children are being bombed, shot, and starved to death.
- There has been a nearly 70% reduction in wild vertebrates worldwide since 1970
- The leading cause of death among children and teens in america is firearms
Privileged westerners could do something about these things, but they are sipping their pumpkin spice lattes and congratulating each other for putting their shopping carts back because, you know, it’s the ultimate test of moral righteousness. Ugh.
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
What is happening here? Could it be there is a tiny progressive streak in that cold conservative heart of yours? Soon you’ll be admitting black lives really do matter! Glory hallelujah!
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
You really should get your TDS looked at before it becomes more debilitating
That’s all you got? People so concerned with crime are voting for a criminal, and all you can say is “TDS”! That must be how you deal with your cognitive dissonance.
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
OK, I can’t argue with that. In my defense I didn’t expect you to come at me with facts and logic, but when you’re right, you’re right.
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
I would accuse you of playing dumb but I don’t think you are playing.
You should understand that aside from the big cities, most of the state leans right. You should also be able to grasp that local officials have some influence over local political issues, like the implementation of various ballot measures. But you’re so hot to blame them dang ole democrats for ever bad thing, you want to act like you don’t know this?
I wont argue against the fact that democrats are largely useless, but how is going back to the war on drugs a better solution?
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
Not in Josephine county they aren’t.
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
It wasn’t democrats dragging their feet (or straight up obstructing) on treatment and social services for Americans in need.
The problem with democrats is that they are dumb for continually trying to collaborate with republicans, who don’t want to cooperate on anything.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
Irrelevant. The issue here is the flaw in your thinking: you have been conditioned to believe that every desperate person who crosses that border illegally is a murderer, a rapist, an arsonist, a thief, a drug dealer, etc. You have been conditioned to think this way by a constant stream of propaganda.
undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.
If someone believes that a person who crosses the border without authorization is by definition a criminal and is subject to consequences, that would be understandable if they weren’t also planning to vote a convicted felon into the Whitehouse.
- Comment on Oregon Reverses Liberal Drug Law After "Losing A Generation" To Addiction 6 months ago:
What Tyler Durden doesn’t tell you is that 260 million dollars were allocated for treatment, housing and employment help, naloxone distribution and other services to help people escape addiction and what happened? Foot dragging happened, and little to no effort was put into actually assisting people in trouble. Very little of the allocated funds were used for their intended purpose, cops got no additional training (despite what pro-cop liars will tell you), aside from “write a ticket”.
What a shocker that decriminalizing and doing nothing else didn’t work out well. The solution? Go back to the war on drugs as if that worked.
- Comment on Putin claims support for Kamala Harris, jokes about "infectious laugh" 6 months ago:
Man, if you think inviting Gorbachev to the ranch for a bar-b-q is what ended to cold war you are fooling yourself.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
See, I added that part as absurdist contrast to the sensational and terrifying news coverage of immigrants.
- Comment on Putin claims support for Kamala Harris, jokes about "infectious laugh" 6 months ago:
I’m not saying I disagree with you, but Putin was also positive about the other guy too. And as shitty as the democrats are, the other guy is not a better choice in my opinion.
- Comment on Putin claims support for Kamala Harris, jokes about "infectious laugh" 6 months ago:
That’s right. Dictators are supporting other dictators.
BBC News, Moscow 9 November 2016 Deputies in Russia’s parliament broke into applause at the news Donald Trump had been elected US president.
Vladimir Putin wasted no time sending his congratulations and state TV channels switched quickly from claims of fraud, to hailing the triumph of the “man of the people”.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
A swing and a miss. No, that’s not why I’m upset.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
Gosh it doesn’t? But what if there were a series of news articles with headlines like “American rapes nun” or U.S. citizen stomps puppies to death" or “American-born killer shoots girlscout, steals cookies” and this goes on for years, and people post these headlines in political discussion forums even tho individually they don’t seem to be about political issues?
Then you would think there was an attempt to plant the idea that Americans are mostly lawless violent criminals, wouldn’t you?
- Comment on Robert Reich Calls for the Arrest of Elon Musk for Resisting Censorship 6 months ago:
Hey you guys remember It was the free speech alternative to Reddit that was absolutely against censorship and a place where anyone could voice any opinion without woke libtard social justice warriors shutting you down.
Of course, the place soon filled with the antisemetiic and racist rhetoric of nazis, and the the pedos showed up to post some horrible things and then the pedos got banned. I remember thinking at the time “so there are some viewpoints and opinions that should not have any platform.”
Around that time anyone who wasn’t a Jew and “mud-race” hating nazi was run out of there. By that point it was entirely n-word and pepe the frog meme posts so anyone who wanted to post pictures of their pets or talk about woodworking -you know, normal people- felt pretty unwelcome.
I don’t know exactly what happened after that. I think the guy that was paying for it just stopped. And then another bastion of free speech was gone.
- Comment on Illegal immigrant arrested after stabbing of teen girl at Indiana baseball game: police 6 months ago:
This is horrible.
Police found Niki A. Sampson, 47, dead inside the home. Police said that the circumstances around her death were suspicious and upon further investigation, her husband, 59 year old Eric L. Sampson, notorious American and social security card-carrying U.S. citizen, was identified as a suspect and arrested.
- Comment on Record numbers of migrants living in Britain are jobless 6 months ago:
Hold on now didn’t I recently hear of crops rotting in fields because UK farmers couldn’t get workers for the harvest? Now refugees hungry for opportunity are forbidden from working honest jobs, meanwhile wealthy conservative party members with insider knowledge were making bets on the date of the general election.
Blaming the migrants for the state of the UK seems wrong to me.
- Comment on “The United States Hates Women”: ASU Event Offers Dystopian, Anti-Capitalist Vision of America 6 months ago:
This is a debate that should be welcomed but not in this type of one-sided, jingoistic presentation.
Says author that offers one-sided jingoistic présentation.
Imagine how much more substantive this panel would have been with an alternative viewpoint.
Imagine how much better black history month would be if we included white history!
- Comment on How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year 6 months ago:
You didn’t understand my well-reasoned and comprehensive explanation of why you’re wrong? I think the problem may be your poor reading comprehension.