Communism isn't a failed economic theory. Communism is the wholesale slaughter of mankind. Communism always leads to murder in proportion to the degree it is embraced.

The Bolsheviks didn't take over Russia with the promises of starving millions to death, they took over with promises of free stuff. However murder and starvation were the only things delivered.

Communists don't debate. They can't. The track record of their ideology is too soiled in the blood of it's victims. They infiltrate. They push out other ideas, which is why Lemmy can't tolerate opposing views.

To this point I have requested C/Comminism if it should become available. I have also taken the communities Socialism, Real Socialism, as well as Real Communism. In these communities free and open debate is allowed. You can be for or against such things as will be the case with Communism if it should come my way.

They can have free speech. They cannot survive in a free speech environment. More importantly, I have taken the prime real estate away from them which puts them at a disadvantage.