Good passionate rant here. Wish more people on YouTube would just say what they really mean without dancing around. If you disagree with him or not, he's exercising his freedom to speak. How long will YouTube allow that?
I am sharing this because I agree on Tim's points of people too often turning a deaf ear to those around them being oppressed for whatever reason. Because your turn will come
sofastrangler 3 years ago
Personally I don't like Tim Pool. Doesn't talk so much policy and is very petty and are all about word games and not arguments.
Got pretty trashed every time he debated Destiny TBH
realcaseyrollins 3 years ago
Wait he debated Destiny?? I had no idea!
I like Tim Pool but I don't listen to him as much anymore, he's sort of a doomer
sofastrangler 3 years ago
He did! :D