I'm currently using Iotide without JavaScript, since it doesn't need it. Are there any benefits to running it with JavaScript enabled?
Iotide With JS vs. Without
Submitted 4 years ago by realcaseyrollins to [deleted]
Submitted 4 years ago by realcaseyrollins to [deleted]
I'm currently using Iotide without JavaScript, since it doesn't need it. Are there any benefits to running it with JavaScript enabled?
vpzom 4 years ago
is iotide a thing or is this about hitide? hitide currently has no javascript, but some is planned to allow voting & commenting without reloading the page
archerships 4 years ago
FWIW, I like the fact that hitide doesn't have javascript.
realcaseyrollins@counter.fedi.live 4 years ago
@vpzom Oh interesting! What is #Hitide?
vpzom 4 years ago
hitide is the default/flagship frontend for lotide