How’s the game state these days? I’ve been waiting to play until it got fixed up.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Patch 1.3 has arrived!
Submitted 1 week ago by to
Comments 1 week ago 1 week ago
I first played it on a 5 year old computer and could barely get 10 fps on the lowest settings. I upgraded knowing that pretty much every other game now is wanting crazy hardware to run. I now have a very expensive top of the line rig that can run the game on max settings with a silky smooth 40 fps…which seems to be the max anyone can get even in benchmarking videos. I haven’t played this patch so not sure if that’s fixed yet.
Other than the ridiculous hardware requirements, the game is very much like all the other STALKER games. You wander around dreary forests and swamps completing quests or searching for items. If you liked the other games you’ll like this one.
Annoying parts for me have been all the walking and the mutants being bullet sponges. Walking takes up a lot of game time and I wish there was an option for fast travel. I know not everyone would want that but I’d personally like the choice. Sometimes I just want to get back to the settlement to trade my loot and don’t want to spend 20 minutes walking through an empty forest. I often run from mutants when I can because it’ll take 100 rounds to kill one and they don’t drop any loot. 1 week ago
I known I’ll like the game (the franchise is one of my all time favorites), it just had a lot of technical problems on launch so that’s what I’ve been waiting to see improved. Sounds like it might still be kinda rough based on the first part of your comment. 1 week ago
It’s a half baked alpha version. 1 week ago
I played on Xbox series x and had a good time. Some graphic issues every now and then but mostly ran fine 1 week ago
Game was playable since the first patch… got worse in some patches, but it is mostly playable without issues. Get some mods, like UEtools and most of the issues can be fixed from the command prompt.
Previous games were a mess as well, I learned Lua to fix the stuff on the fly, and had a ton of fun. Stalker 2 is a lot of fun! I am on my 5th play through… all endings plus variations to cover all areas and quests.