There’s an issue where trolls will “@” people who blocked them because it will still send a notification.
Sometimes it’s just people who always do it, so it’s likely unintentional.
But it’s pretty obvious from a post history glance when they’re only doing it with people who never respond to them. And definitely obvious after someone tells them about it
Is there anyway to make mention notification abide by the blocklist?
If not should we be reporting harassment to our admins or the admins of the account doing it? 2 days ago
this will be fixed by the upcoming lemmy update iirc 14 hours ago
He is now complaining about the ban. 2 days ago
Awesome, I noticed it a while ago but didn’t want to say it because then the knowledge is out there.
If the update isn’t rolling out for a while, free to delete this to keep a lid on it in the meantime.