Pretty surprised, I was kind of expecting it to slip past its supposed spring release just due to its enormous success. Excited to play drm-free, especially after all of the rave reviews.
I think I’ll patient gamer this one until it is on sale at GOG. 2 weeks ago
It’s really good. Incredibly frustrating and challenging combat but good once it clicks. The rest of the RPG elements are amazing. Except lockpicking. Fuck that nonsense. 2 weeks ago
Lol I kinda liked it in kcd1. Has it changed? 2 weeks ago
The lock picking is still the exact same system. 2 weeks ago
I never played the first one but i’m a fan of challenging games. From what i’ve read after getting my ass beaten by single random bandits, the combat is better and more fluid than the first game. Fewer locked in animations is what i gather is the biggest change.
The one thing you really have to get in your brain is do not spam attacks. You will die. Your stamina is like armor in that the lower your stamina the more it hurts to be hit.
Like i said, once it clicks it’s great but boy oh boy was it frustrating to learn.