Senate Republican leader defends Musk’s efforts as a ‘scrub’ of federal government
Submitted 5 days ago by to 5 days ago
So real quick on your self reliance bullshit, did you build the roads you drive on? And then go on to build the car, the tires, and every component of the vehicle (probably a truck)? Did you also craft all the materials for your own house? I’m just asking because the point of a society is that life is easier together. In fact, our cells kind of prove that point on a biological level, since they’re basically a colony that works together to create you. 5 days ago
That has nothing to do with self-reliance. What are you going on about? By the way, I don’t NEED a fucking car–that’s self-reliance.
My house is paid off. My cars are paid off. My land is paid off. I use solar power for most of my electricity, and good go 100 percent if I chose to. I grow my own vegetables. I raise my own meat. I’m stocked up for 2 years with emergency food and water.
The world could fucking close down tomorrow and I’d be just fucking fine.
I never said anything about getting rid of cars or roads or houses. Self-reliance is being about being able to get buy if that disappeared tomorrow–which I can.
I’m retired, have no debts, have savings to last me the rest of my life, so my pension is just fun money. I live in Amish country most of my neighbors are Amish and/or Amish-friendly.
I could get by just fine if society shut down tomorrow.
If you wanna give the majority of your paycheck to the government because you feel good about it, then do that. Nothing stopping you from donating all of you money to them.
But I won’t. And I fucking love Trump being president. 5 days ago
Wow. Much hyperbole. I feel like that must get kinda exhausting, but hey, you do you. 5 days ago
That’s a lot of words to say “Fuck you, I got mine” we also have one word to shorten even that up with, “Selfish”
You were never taught to share or have empathy for your fellow human and it shows.
And you know what’s hilarious? Most plans that are for things like UBI or Single Payer Healthcare or [ some other Gov Funded Program to help people] can be fully funded by taxing the rich, both individually and giant corporations their fair share. 5 days ago
You understand that you can’t plan a tax system around the few people who may not need it, right? 5 days ago
And look at you supporting Trump. Don’t want to let all that prepping go to waste with a functioning country huh? 4 days ago
only morons think this shit.
bet you probably believe you have all the medicine you could need, natural disasters won’t come for you, there will never be a blight on your crops or a problem with your solar array. i bet you even hand crafted your own panels and mined the material yourself.
what a fuckin moron