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If you ask 20 different Star Trek fans to rank the 11 Star Trek series you’ll get 20 different answers.

So how exactly can we work out which is perceived to be the “best” one?

We turn to the user scores at Rotten Tomatoes of course. Now while these are obviously open to review bombing the list does follow the usual trends you’ll find on any Star Trek community comments section. Such as post Enterprise is generally considered a lower quality than “classic Trek.”

For comparison I’ll also list the series in order according to the critic scores to see how their opinions differ from die hard fans.

Star Trek series by user score

  1. The Original Series - 89%
  2. The Next Generation - 89%
  3. Deep Space Nine - 88%
  4. The Animated Series - 81%
  5. Voyager - 79%
  6. Enterprise - 79%
  7. Strange New Worlds - 78%
  8. Prodigy - 76%
  9. Lower Decks - 73%
  10. Picard - 57%
  11. Discovery - 37%

Star Trek series by critic score

  1. Strange New Worlds - 98%
  2. The Animated Series - 94%
  3. Prodigy - 94%
  4. The Next Generation - 92%
  5. Deep Space Nine - 91%
  6. Picard - 89%
  7. Lower Decks - 89%
  8. Discovery - 85%
  9. The Original Series - 80%
  10. Voyager - 76%
  11. Enterprise - 55%

Again, if you frequent any Star Trek community on the internet you’ll find a consensus that generally leans more towards the user score list and not the critics opinions. Also Star Trek: Picard’s third season is among the highest rated single seasons in the franchise history and is the only time (so far) modern Star Trek has broken into the top 10 most streamed shows across all streaming services. This may be due to the fact that the fans likened season 3 to the closest thing to “classic Trek” we’ve had since the reboot in 2017. Discovery being in last place of the user score list also fits with community opinion as it joins a list of only 3 out of the 11 series to be cancelled rather than reaching a planned ending.

This post isn’t here to say “All old Star Trek is better.” It is illustrating a general opinion of fans. Do I agree with the user list? For the most part yes. I would put Prodigy just above Discovery and possibly put season of Picard right below The Next Generation but that’s just my opinion.

I fully expect this post to be controversial but I hope we can have some opinions shared other than “Kurtzman Trek Bad” or “old Trek is soap opera in space” and we can have a constructive discussion.