Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash… and I’m delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!
- Baron Munchausen
- Comment on UK economy grows by 0.1% in unexpected boost for Rachel Reeves 4 weeks ago:
I struggle to understand economics. How is it that almost all the major big businesses in UK have been reporting strong if not record profits recently? And yet hardly any growth… hmmm…
- Comment on Too many young people find doing a day's work 'stressful', says Liz Kendall 4 weeks ago:
“Ban work before it kills you!”
- Comment on Thames Water seeks court approval for emergency cash 5 weeks ago:
This. Exactly.
- Comment on Water bills in England and Wales to rise by £123 a year in April 1 month ago:
Why am I not surprised?
(More and more I have an absolute feeling that I’m being fucked over by already wealthy people - and there’s nothing I can do about it in any way!)
- Comment on Wimbledon school crash: Woman rearrested over deaths of two girls 1 month ago:
You are right. Is a hitherto episode of epilepsy a good defence for dangerous driving in general?
I guess it could come down to whether or not the person has previous incidents of dangerous driving or they have footage or other evidence to suggest she wasn’t epileptic. If there’s no physical evidence or subsequent seizures. (I know I’m speculating and - you are right - we should assume innocence and that her account is right until shown not to be).
- Comment on Wimbledon school crash: Woman rearrested over deaths of two girls 1 month ago:
Is there a way checking whether an epileptic seizure has taken place? (MRI scan showing trace evidence in the brain?) If the driver has not experienced subsequent seizures, it would be difficult to accept this one without evidence.
- Comment on Water bills in England and Wales to rise by £123 a year in April 1 month ago:
What strikes me is how a so-called “independent regulator” seems to collaborate with these water companies and make HUGE pay rises seem normal and inevitble.
- Comment on UK warns Putin after Russian spy ship seen near British waters 1 month ago:
Non story for sabre-rattling attempt.
Navy rear-admiral on LBC this morning said that Russian subs go up the Channel daily to noin their Northern fleet and that if the UK scrambled a response every time it would exhaust the country’s resources. He said that Russian vessels are legally allowed in the area as long as they don’t interfere with any UK underwater resources.
Distraction from the Harry vs The Sun story and calls for criminal prosecutions?
- Comment on NatWest to hike chief's pay as bank returns to full private ownership 2 months ago:
While the UK spirals the economic waste bin, Nat West makes 18.3% profit this year (£1172 million).
- Comment on Thames Water boss defends bonuses as sewage spills soar 2 months ago:
£770,000 in bonuses. Laughing their heads off as they swill champagne and chomp down caviar.
After nearly 30 years of work I’ve become convinced that ANY company or organisation would be better run without executive/senior management and letting the staff make decisions and work collectively would be more effective (or at worse… no worse than this disease of mangerialist greed that’s clearly adding to the ruin of this country).
- Comment on Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule 3 months ago:
I’m not sure (but happy to be corrected) that there is a legal standard definition of what constitutes milk. There was a documentary on Radio 4 a few years ago that asked “What is milk?” and found that - in UK and Europe - it couldn’t be answered (other than it had some cow involvement somewhere). Some pateurised “milks” had barely any actual milk. From what I remember it was the lobbying of the dairy industry that prevented a standard definition.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
You could be right. I listened to a Tory minister on the radio today talking about ending anonymity on the internet and - more interestingly - about silo-ing parts of the internet so that certain groups, such as children, could only access certain “versions” of the internet. I wonder whether that’s the longer-term agenda.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
This apparently “spontaneous” group of “ordinary mothers” looks surprisingly media-trained. I’d be interested in knowing more about the founders. When the “keep our schools open during covid” group were examined they turned out to be a puppet of a right-wing thinktank.
- Comment on HMRC has seen a 50% drop in investigations into wealthy tax evaders 1 year ago:
HMRC claim that only 5% of UK don’t pay their taxes.
That 5% is worth £36 billion a year!
I’ve got my suspicions about who that 5% are. Damn you you single-parent, new trainer-wearing, work-shy benefit claimants! Damn you!
- Comment on Ukrainians who have moved to the UK have highlighted the lack of dentists as among the most astonishing aspects of British life 1 year ago:
Do dentists in other countries have the same sense of prestige as British ones? I used to work with a guy whose wife was a dentist and he constantly talked about being a dentist as being on the same level as a doctor. Said that entry requirements for dentistry at university is the same as medical doctors.
- Comment on Gordon Brown calls for overhaul of benefits system as study reveals ‘crisis’ 1 year ago:
This table was in an article discussing benefits including pensions from across Europe. I’ll see if I can locate it. I think the data comes from this calculator: www.oecd.org/els/…/tax-benefit-web-calculator/#d.…
- Comment on Gordon Brown calls for overhaul of benefits system as study reveals ‘crisis’ 1 year ago:
Britain’s benefits system is rated as the meanest in Western world, according to OECD. And yet there’s a misconception in UK that those on benefits live the life of Riley.
- Comment on Keir Starmer announces plan for supervised toothbrushing in schools 1 year ago:
I’m happy with having a “nanny state” if it means my sons can get dental treatment. The only NHS dentist in our area won’t take appointments (unless you go private) and say that if children are in pain to call 111. As a child I went for a check up every 6 months. That’s now not possible since Tory austerity.
- Comment on UK workers ‘should get day off’ if workplace is hotter than 30C 1 year ago:
Lack of air conditioners in UK state schools makes them unbearable places in the Summer.
- Comment on Energy bills in Great Britain to rise by 5% from January as cap hits £1,928 1 year ago:
Great timing. The (supposed) tax cuts will pay for the electricity bosses’ new porsches.
- Comment on There Is Zero Evidence of a Shoplifting ‘Epidemic’ 1 year ago:
I’ve just read that and can’t see anything badly written. Where was the bad writing? (Or is it just their views you don’t agree with?)
- Comment on Boris Johnson asked experts if you could kill Covid by blowing hairdryer up nose 1 year ago:
“The Riddle of Genius.” Ho ho ho.
- Comment on Teach primary pupils real-world maths - Labour 1 year ago:
Sorry, I posted a reply to your comment in the main feed rather than to you. Back to school for me!
- Comment on Teach primary pupils real-world maths - Labour 1 year ago:
so crushingly dull that it destroys any natural curiosity that kids have
You are right. Children have a much earlier start to school in the UK compared to other countries. This cuts short the time of their “play-based” development. By Year 1 (about 5-6) children in UK primary schools are sat at desks and taught in quite bizarre ways. From Reception (ages 4-5) they are tested continuously to a point where UK children are the most tested children in the Western World. Other, more successful countries (educationally and economically) don’t do this. We have a weird, damaging obsession with testing children and placing them into hierarchies in this country. When testing becomes the purpose and goal of an education system it is, as you say “so crushingly dull”.
- Comment on Thames Water: Is this the worst company in Britain? 1 year ago:
Perhaps more people need to know who owns these companies and how ownership affects their operations.
My local company is 40% owned by JP Morgan and other hedge funds are involved in ownership. My understanding is that this is similar across many utility companies. Instead of service being their primary concern, it is the generation of revenue.
The catastrophic role of hedge funds in the UK cannot be overstated.
- Comment on Thames Water: Is this the worst company in Britain? 1 year ago:
Is there a neighbouring utility that isn’t also in similar trouble, though?
- Comment on Russell Brand: Woman says star exposed himself to her then laughed about it on Radio 2 show 1 year ago:
Who is Olivia? Was Olivia’s complaint that she heard the two men discussing this? Not that it was done to her?
- Comment on ‘It’s organised looting’: UK in grip of a shoplifting epidemic, say store owners 1 year ago:
I’m not an expert on Sainsburys, really. We just used to shop there. Most of it is self-checkout but they do have 3 or 4 tills with checkout workers down at one end. I guess you could walk through there. Also there’s a security guard who I guess could let you out.
I only put up with it once - about 3 weeks ago - and haven’t been there since. We’ve done our family shopping there for 15+ years.
- Comment on ‘It’s organised looting’: UK in grip of a shoplifting epidemic, say store owners 1 year ago:
I don’t know. There’s always a queue because the scanner wasn’t reading the receipts properly and wlll only accept the receipt scanned once. We had to be helped through by a shopworker who checked we had paid. It was super-frustrating to wait and the gates were too strong to push through. We’ve just stopped going to Sainsbury’s now and just use our nearest Aldi.
- Comment on ‘It’s organised looting’: UK in grip of a shoplifting epidemic, say store owners 1 year ago:
Our local big Sainsbury’s supermarket has installed airport-style barriers everywhere and you now have to queue and scan your receipt to get out.
As a kid, I always wanted to live in some science fiction futuristic society. I never thought that I’d actually grow up to live somewhere where I had to scan to get out a supermarket only to be under threat of attack by ravaging killer dogs.