It’s one of those occurrences, where merging two pleasant things does not result in a synergy but in antagonism.
You neither can totally relax and empty your bowels like the Lord ordered, nor enjoy a cup of coffee like a civilized human.
Submitted 1 year ago by to [deleted]
It’s one of those occurrences, where merging two pleasant things does not result in a synergy but in antagonism.
You neither can totally relax and empty your bowels like the Lord ordered, nor enjoy a cup of coffee like a civilized human.
I always find it odd when people refer to emptying the bowels as a pleasant, enjoyable experience.
For me, it is not. There is no pain or complications (normally), but it’s still not enjoyable or pleasant. It’s just shit I need to do, so that other things in my life don’t become extremely painful or unbearable. It ranks similar to washing dishes or vacuuming a carpet in terms of pleasure and enjoyment.
So, if you find taking a dump pleasant, remember- you are lucky!
I can only find it pleasent if I really had to go to the toilet but couldn’t for some reason, but it’s a pleasent feeling of release not a generally pleasent feeling. Like as if you had to deal with a very annoying person and doing almost anything afterwards feels pleasent.
My coworker was trying to get me to do this with him, he said at the previous company he worked with him and two others would each drink their coffee in their stalls while they talked. So I see that as a big issue if you don’t like to talk while you smell poop and drink coffee
I wonder what they talked about while shitting ?
Spilling hot coffee on your crotch, for one.
Nobody likes a burnt boner
If pooping gives you wood, that’s a whole nother issue.
There is a risk of Sudden Innovation followed by marketability frustrations. 1 year ago
Your posts all tend to have a theme.
But the issue is that 50% of your taste comes from smell. 1 year ago
So you might be sipping shitty coffee ? 1 year ago
As far as your taste buds are concerned, yeah.