Any overlay is going to add some level of performance degradation, it’s just how much is noticeable or acceptable. Claiming it doesn’t do anything seems more like this comes from the marketing teams vs the technical teams
No, the Nvidia App isn’t killing your PC’s performance
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 3 days ago 3 days ago
The weird thing is that hardware unboxed tested the same overlay settings in the old GeForce app and didn’t see that hit in performance.
Really seems like they have a software bug with this new software. 3 days ago
Also, Hardware Unboxed 3 days ago
Yes by default, no if you fix the settings 3 days ago
Yup, still better to know the cause at least and how to work around it. I know I appreciate a more in-depth look at these types of things. 3 days ago
This screams paid damage control 3 days ago
Really, sure seems like a neutral individual went and did some rudimentary debugging, identified that it wasn’t the entire application and was due to the overlay settings within the app and simply provided an update with whey found out and presented the data, then provided the conclusion that gamers didn’t have to completely uninstall it to mitigate the problem.
Something I would have imagined gamers would like to know but I guess not.