Hello, I’m very sorry you have had to experience this.
I got kicked out at 16. For me it wasn’t so much missing my specific parents, but i just missed the parents i didn’t have. You know, the ideal parents that existed only in my head; the ones that told me they’re proud of me, they support my choices, they accept me, they love me.
But beyond that i think at least for some of us it is normal to want to remember the good things despite the bad things, and it can be normal to miss those good things. My advice is to remember the person as a whole and tell yourself you’re better than how they treated you. You’re worth more than that. It hurts, but if they really loved you then they wouldn’t kick you out over something so trivial as your boyfriend being Hungarian.
It’s up to you if you want to keep the door open. I personally did and gave them room to talk to me and apologize. We talked superficially occasionally but they never did apologize before dying. i just accepted they were shit parents long ago so their deaths were just like any other day.
RedditWanderer@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Markus Aurelius
You yearn for what could have been, and it’s hard to accept what is. If there is really no benefit, you should removed your estimate of them