Lucas’ original vision included McGregor’s character ultimately taking on his Jedi Master’s name as part of his attempt to honor his mission to train Anakin. “At the end, as Obi-Wan dies and Qui-Gon defeats Darth Maul and stays with his Master as he passes away, he not only takes on his Master’s quest, but he takes on his name. Qui-Gon becomes Obi-Wan,” McCaig revealed. “That’s why when you see Alec Guinness in A New Hope, he puts his hood down and goes, ‘Obi-Wan? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard.’ Because he’s not Obi-Wan, he’s Qui-Gon
This seems kind of pointless to me. Glad they cut it. 3 months ago
My opinion on this shifts wildly from “oh my God he planned so much” to “holy shit he really just made it all up as he went.” We deserve Darth jar jar though.