Finland is a deeply racist country and our current far-right government has exactly zero interest in worker demands in general – to the point of limiting people’s right to strike – and they’re going to be especially unsympathetic to pleas from people working for food courier platforms. The platforms themselves have zero interest in paying people more, as that would likely mean fewer customers and worse revenue
If ~50% of the voting age population supports an extremist right wing government (pretending they’re not extremists is pointless when we have had multiple neo-Nazi PR flaps and eg. the Speaker of the Parliament has said he’s a “proud Aryan”) and we’re statistically one of the most racist countries in Europe, and immigrants have a notoriously hard time finding anything but menial jobs, I’m not sure what sort of other conclusions you can draw? 4 months ago
Good luck with that.
Finland is a deeply racist country and our current far-right government has exactly zero interest in worker demands in general – to the point of limiting people’s right to strike – and they’re going to be especially unsympathetic to pleas from people working for food courier platforms. The platforms themselves have zero interest in paying people more, as that would likely mean fewer customers and worse revenue 4 months ago
Where’d you get this data? 4 months ago
If ~50% of the voting age population supports an extremist right wing government (pretending they’re not extremists is pointless when we have had multiple neo-Nazi PR flaps and eg. the Speaker of the Parliament has said he’s a “proud Aryan”) and we’re statistically one of the most racist countries in Europe, and immigrants have a notoriously hard time finding anything but menial jobs, I’m not sure what sort of other conclusions you can draw?