With the new poster having dropped, I thought it might be fun to compile the various Lower Decks posters, along with their theatrical poster counterparts. So…why don’t we do that?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Poster A
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Poster B
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Poster
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock Poster
Star Trek IV: The Voyager Home Poster
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Poster A
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Poster B
Those are the most obvious ones - I know there are other pieces of Lower Decks promotional art out there, so please chime in if you recognize any that I’ve missed!
terraborra@lemmy.nz 5 months ago
Thank you, as a relatively new Trekkie this is cool to see how it’s been tied back to the original.