Sometimes, what looks like fake sign language is actually foreign language sign language. Because sign language differs from country to country.
Submitted 2 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
I don’t know enough sign language to say for sure, but I do know that signers are often expressive and mouth words along with signing. It’s actually something I’ve noticed that fakers don’t do, because they don’t have hand motions to match their mouths.
Compare this lady
Or this guy
Or this guy who seemed to actually know a few words
and here’s some real ASL interpreters
Notice the expressions match the tone and specific words. 2 months ago
Yes, he’s talking about the weather. 2 months ago
I’ve only taken an ASL class at the high school level, but facial expression is an important part of signing and adds tone to what you’re saying, so that by itself isn’t really a red flag. He seems to be moving quickly through specific signs rather than just sort of flailing around like fake translators usually do. I can’t understand any of it, but if I had to guess I’d say he’s probably a real translator.