Is there a way to select or level up a skill on a controller?
Select will open the screen to where I can grab a separate mouse and interact with these. I tried holding down select and then the skill button but that didn’t seem to work.
Please note - I’m talking about the 4 skills on the bottom - the ones you’d want to be able to easily select on the fly while in lane.
Thanks. 5 months ago
I haven’t played it, but it sounds like the situation may be in flux:…/does-deadlock-have-controller-sup…
In the near term, if a keyboard can do what you want, if you can dig up macro software for your platform that can look for specific gamepad combinations and send keystrokes as a result, I imagine that you could make it work that way. 5 months ago
I hope so.
It baffled me that Valve released a game that isn’t really compatible with controllers not long after releasing the Deck. I was kinda hoping Deadlock would be very controller friendly. When/if this happens I’ll give it a second look. 5 months ago
I mean, it’s not released.
It’s not even Early Access.