Valve remembered on August 22 that they have a tournament starting in two weeks
Dota 2 - Introducing The Ringmaster (and TI 2024 compendium)
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
I wonder if they’re finally going to announce Deadlock in TI. 6 months ago
Considering that its already been effectively announced unofficially, and whats been leaked is in a very unfinished state, I expect they’ll wait until its more polished before putting any real marketing weight behind it. They may even be extra late, considering the rocky launch of CS2, with it still lacking much of the content from CS:GO. 6 months ago
Given the significant changes between trailer and gameplay, as well as the delays, I’m guessing the hero got reworked and simplified a lot during development. In his current state, he seems far too simple given the dev time. 6 months ago
Yeah I agree. Feels very anticlimactic after the long wait. I’d be very curious to see what the original concept played like. I heard it apparently involved controlling an enemy hero briefly so you could for example waste their ult.