Excited as all hell, this looks really really beautiful in remastered. 😮
I’m a big fan going back to 96 but I still don’t get what’s different between this and the directors cut? Wasn’t DC in HD already?
Submitted 5 months ago by Carighan@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
Excited as all hell, this looks really really beautiful in remastered. 😮
I’m a big fan going back to 96 but I still don’t get what’s different between this and the directors cut? Wasn’t DC in HD already?
The DC had upscaled art so the old game looked good enough on 1080p screens, plus a few new bits like character portraits.
This is a complete repainting & reanimating of the assets to 4K quality. Very different! Just compare screenshots and you’ll see.
naticus@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I demand the goat puzzle be left intact for a new generation of gamers to become infuriated.