Frost goes into detail about what happened between him and Nick resulting in Frost leaving Second Wind
Aw come on! I loved Cold Take and hoped Second Wind was going somewhere. But yeah, in hindsight it was kinda sus how much formats they were pushing out.
This hits especially hard as I’m low on good YT creators to watch.
Huffs huge amount of copium
Maybe the Super Best Friends will get back together. 6 months ago
My only beef with this video was needing to pause it dozens of times to read the tons of text that flew by too fast. Otherwise, it’s what you expect from Frost: meticulously researched, eloquent, and passionate.
I knew nothing about Nick until the Escapist exodus. I just went with the narrative that it was a solidarity move, and I was thrilled to see SW take off. Frost leaving abruptly (to the public) confused the hell out of me. But that was point 1 addressed in the video. And then the deluge of receipts started.
Holy hell.
I hope the rest of the SW team kicks this turd to the curb. He’s been riding Yahtzee’s coattails long enough. 6 months ago
Yeah I was annoyed by the stopping starting too, but I appreciate him laying it all out.
If the video was long enough to have everything readable it would go for an hour haha.
I hope Frost keeps producing actual content I really love his videos.