Knowledge is power and the internet contains an absolutely monstrous amount of knowledge
Everybody wants to rule the world
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Knowledge is power and the internet contains an absolutely monstrous amount of knowledge
Everybody wants to rule the world
We can also learn about alternative networks by perusing Gopher, Gemini, and other networks.
I think that Gopher is neat and have some nostalgia going on there, but it’s not what I would recommend to random people as a first stab if they just want a less-centralized experience.
Not me 7 months ago
There truly are a LOT of people who don’t interrogate the world around them. They don’t know or care about corporations harvesting and selling their data. They don’t know or care about the harms of algorithmic manipulation via social media. They don’t really think about privacy. And they don’t try to educate themselves.
There are plenty of people for whom Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon are “the internet”, just like the AOL desktop app was “the internet” for the non-technical users back in the day.
I had a family member remark that they had tried to use Reddit, and it was “too busy-looking” and hard to understand, and they are in their 40s. 7 months ago
So, I remember reading something on website UI back when, where someone said that some high percentage of users basically will only allocate a relatively-low number of seconds to understanding a website, and if it doesn’t make sense to them in that period of time, they won’t use it. It’s a big reason why you want to make the bar to initial use as low as possible.
This isn’t what I was thinking of, but same idea:…/how-long-do-users-stay-on-web-pages… 7 months ago
To quote a criminal: “Sad.”