They compare the improvised version to the original song at the end.
The second I saw from your title which song it was I thought “this person is gonna go extremely hard and like a third of this song doesn’t even have drums”
Submitted 10 months ago by to
They compare the improvised version to the original song at the end.
The second I saw from your title which song it was I thought “this person is gonna go extremely hard and like a third of this song doesn’t even have drums”
Always have a good time when I run into this channel. Gotta be scary for drummers, but I’m not, maybe that’s it!
That was a fun watch, and far from being a negative, her not knowing the song means we get to experience her being one of today’s ten thousand 10 months ago
I’m kind of addicted to watching these videos, but for the life of me I can’t understand how some of these professional musicians haven’t heard some of the most famous songs of the past 30 years or whatever. 10 months ago
At least they made it illegal to lie on the Internet so we know it’s real 10 months ago
Because that's what's getting them clicks. 10 months ago
I don’t think famous songs hold any special place for musicians, and this isn’t a song famous for its drums (that a drummer would seek out to study). There’s a lot of songs out there — sometimes you just miss some. 10 months ago
Different strokes!