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New Post

everything here are lies (except for the rules) (also this is a shitpost/joke community lol)


  1. don’t discriminate anyone, be respectful no matter what gender, race or anything (this includes racist or offensive posts, those aren’t okay here either)

  2. no nsfw/nsfl

  3. do not argue with the mods

  4. use common sense and don’t be a weirdo

  5. have fun lol

remember, as osaka always said…


note: if a post is stated it’s not a lie, it is most likely true

This is a remote community, information on this page may be incomplete. View at Source ↗

New Post

everything here are lies (except for the rules) (also this is a shitpost/joke community lol)


  1. don’t discriminate anyone, be respectful no matter what gender, race or anything (this includes racist or offensive posts, those aren’t okay here either)

  2. no nsfw/nsfl

  3. do not argue with the mods

  4. use common sense and don’t be a weirdo

  5. have fun lol

remember, as osaka always said…


note: if a post is stated it’s not a lie, it is most likely true
