My wife was made fun of for her last name until she was like 25 (her social group sucked), so she was delighted to changed her name when I asked her if we were going to use mine or hers. I still don’t entirely mind changing mine or keeping it: I’d gotten a few public works built around town and one of them was named after me, and if I took her name the chances of getting them to change the name of that shelter were fuck all. You can only be the center of the universe for so long. So it just kind of worked out for both of us.
Comment on I never realized this 2 months agoSure it’s a headache. So why does the woman have to do it? I think either keep your names as is or both people change. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Uh… that was exactly what I said… 2 months ago
That’s great we’re in agreement. Your comment said “… a lot of people who published research before their marriage continue to publish under the same name even if they changed their name.”
So I didn’t read your comment as saying woman shouldn’t change their name, because you’re describing women changing their name, and then not using the new name in a specific context.