Wow, based on how you write, you and the OP both seem very young. Do you also talk in a stream-of-consciousness manner?
Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago
ikr, like fr, sometimes i think it’s because maybe i’m just, like, short, but wtf no joke, one of my closest friends rn is shorter than me and with my other friends, i still get treated like i was less mature?? one time one of my coworkers actually said that, not cool wth, and i feel a bit outcast when they all act like that, like, this is just how I talk, so why can’t they respect that i’m pretty much the same generation as you guys, i slouch just like they do, and sometimes they have even worse posture, but then like why do they have to low key drop these bad vibes on me, cause ong, it’s so demeaning when they say something slow like they think they’re being thoughtful, and maybe sometimes the nice people really are, but mostly they come across sarcastic and fake!!! but i can deal with, most of the time, idk
Back into the spirit of c/NoStupidQuestions – follow up question! What do you think they believe Proper Adults act and speak like? 2 months ago 2 months ago
Firstly, * woosh *? Or am I being wooshed? Haha. Happy new year!
Also, nah, my dude. I’m incredibly grateful to’ve had great English/English comp teachers since 7th grade. You make me blush; it’s not an exact copy of op’s writing style here, but I tried :3
This dude hit the nail on the head, imo
Speaking and writing in a human-readable way does take practice and 2 months ago
I humbly admit you got me! Well done, mimicking OP’s writing style. 2 months ago
Oh boy, that “to’ve” seemed so pretentious given the context of what you’re saying. 😆 2 months ago
I mean, just the way you type makes me read it in a squeaky voice lmao