The patterns work from top to bottom too.
The outside is XOR and the clock is AND.
Comment on MS new captcha: Why did it have to be that hard!?!? 2 months agoMy solution:
The outer square lines in the third column/row is the result of the difference between what exists in the first two items in that row/column. Only outer lines appearing only once will be in the 3rd shape. The center lines seem to be only center lines that appear in both shapes. Therefore x is 52, since all outer shapes cancel and there are no shared center lines. The rest is fairly simple.
The second derivative of f(x) is 78x + 22, so the answer is 78(52) + 22 + 52 = 4130
I’m not completely confident in this solution but it seems to consistent will the known columns and rows. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Never would have figured out that was XOR. 2 months ago
I agree with your solution! GG
4078 + 52 = 4 130