Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 1 week ago
This is stupid because you’d essentially be homding onto the toxins that your body is trying to expell. Please just shit 1 week ago
A major function of the colon is water re-absorption. The membrane is so small that viruses would be too large to get through. 1 week ago
If you have diarrhoea, it may have been caused by bad food, something you may not want to be absorbing, which may be why the body is trying to purge it ASAP. 1 week ago
You wouldn’t be absorbing “bad food”. The body has diarrhea because it is unable to absorb water in the colon. It’s unable to absorb water in the case of food poisoning because the bacteria that grew in the food is creating a protein that blocks the water absorption receptors in the colon lining. 1 week ago
Okay…but you certainly want to be getting rid of toxins, not holding them in your body. That makes no sense. 1 week ago
The body does not have diarrhea as a protective mechanism to purge the bacteria that caused the food poisoning. The bacteria is secreting a protein that inhibits water absorption which causes diarrhea.
Preventing or reducing diarrhea would be a beneficial outcome for a bacteria infection such as ETEC whose cause of death is dehydration.
This is by no means an endorsement of OP’s hold it in strategy. 1 week ago
I really liked this explanation going beyond the webmd “BaCTeRiA & ViRuSes caused ur diarrhea”, and I really like sources and further reading material, so
“Gut Microbiota and Diarrhea: An Updated Review”…/full
Right after the Introduction section is “Gut Microbiota-Mediated Diarrhea and Its Mechanism”. The authors go into how some example bacteria/fungi/viruses stimulate diarrhea.
My take away has been 1) drink water, 2) if it doesn’t feel like a one-time wee out the wrong hole, probably go see a doctor 1 week ago
Ok well let’s just pretend you have food poisoning and you hold in the bacteria but still somehow shit the rest of the food/water out, but you keep hydrated. Like what happens to all the bacteria you’re now holding in your body? I’m genuinely curious. I’m not arguing against you at all!