Previously, I had mused over vague ideas about whether blockchain technologies could go into a “proof of real person” system, by one-way-hashing information used to verify only basic details about a person. Eg: They exist, are a unique person, and are over a certain age. Ideally, it could be set up in a way that cannot easily correlate them between company databases.
That said, no real need to poke holes in the idea, because…that was the easy part, and it will probably never happen (or be far more draconian than I describe) 2 months ago
It absolutely can be done with zero knowledge proofs, but it needs to be from an authoritative source.
It could prove you are over the age of 18 without having to divulge any other sensitive information, and be untrackable between sites.
They could add it to our drivers licenses or passports or whatever which would cover the authoritative part. 2 months ago
Zero Knowledge proofs are so fucking cool.
Say what you will about crypto in general, but the math behind some of the stuff is just so elegant. 2 months ago
No one has ever denied the math wasn’t cool. It’s just that the usecase (NFTs) were terrible. I guess the hype has now died down so we might see some actual uses, like land ownership information. 2 months ago
It’s the use case for digital images.
NFTs in general are still cool. Concert tickets, tokenzied stocks, land ownership, car ownership, digital keys, digital IDs, it’s endless what can be done with them, but it’s a long way until some of these things get adopted. 2 months ago
Well I was referring more to things like Monero.