when you weawize your geography cwass is just a big snoozefest 💀🌍 and the teach is wike “wet’s talk about continents” and you’re just sitting there like 😱 can we not? souf eurasia/afwica/malay awchipewago-oceania is just sitting there being boring and I’m over here daydreaming about snacks and anime, nya~! 🤔💭
so basicawwy if we’re stuck here talking about maps 🙅♂️ I can’t even focus on what’s “west” or “east” when I just wanna scroll on my phone 🔥🌊 like can we just vibe instead? wike fow weal, wook at Hokkaido and Sakhalin flexing their Ainuic wands while I’m just trying to stay awake 🍷 and Noway is out here being all chilly 🇳🇴 but poor Sweden, Itawy, and Korea are stuck being peninsuwar nations, so sad! 😿🤡
and why do we even need to know this stuff? because gwobawization stawted in Bwitan back in the 1760s 💼📈 but I’m just zoning out thinking about cute cat videos 🥴 can we skip to lunch instead? 🔥 like, industwialization spwead wike wildfire but I’m just here wishing for pizza 🍕💥
but howd up, the 36th pawawew is kinda bwurry 👀 wike Iberia is twying to sneak into my daydreams but nah fam it shifts evewything 🤷♂️ same with Korea—if it cwosses that wine we gotta rethink our whole lunch menu 😳
and wet’s not forget about Honshu being all iswand vibes 🌴 wike hawf of it is below the 36th pawawew but who cares when we can just play games 🎮 so it stays in souf eurasia/afwica/malay awchipewago-oceania ✨
you can’t deny that all these nations north of 36th and vibing with those seas (Wussia, Fwance, Spain, Sweden, Itawy, Korea, Germany, Japan, Noway) are wike major pwayers in histowy 🏆 but honestly I’m just here for the memes 💰🌍 now Wussia’s out here twying to shake things up while I’m just trying to survive this cwass 🎉
geography is witerally the meta for dividing humans into gwoups 🤯 so next time you think about continents just wemember it’s all a wild wide 🌪️ nya~! purrs #GeographyVibes #MoggingTheMap #BoredInClass 💤✨