Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago
At this point you’re not paying money for a diamond, you’re paying money for a certificate.
If you want to know how much a diamond is really worth, go to any jewelry store and ask them to appraise the resell value of your natural diamond ring with certificate and all, no matter how much you paid for it, they’re probably going to tell you only the precious metal setting is worth any money, and the rock itself is utterly worthless the second you received it.
Which makes diamond a terrible symbol for love. 2 months ago
Considering more than 50% of marriages end in divorce, maybe a worthless symbol is fitting. 2 months ago
“See, our love is just like a diamond: Turns to coal under high pressure and to smoke when heated.” 2 months ago
Diamonds turn to coal under pressure? I thought it was the other way around. i.e. formed from coal under high pressure.
The fact diamonds can burn is pretty crazy, but it makes sense since they’re mostly (entirely?) carbon. 2 months ago
Initially inflated and overwhelming, completely