That’s the wonderful thing about trade work, you can just become an owner. Then you train young people, they beat up their bodies for a bit and then they become an owner. That’s how apprenticeship works! Or you join a Union who will protect you and make sure the owner of the company does the bare minimum and take care of the health and safety of their employees. Or you go a different route and consult. Or find a niche and start selling products that were hard for you to find but are needed in your industry.
People who boo hoo on trade work are in the same vein as the ones who say you need a college degree to be successful. The only thing you need to be successful is whats between your ears. What you do with it is your business but a lot of people have made a really good living out of trade work and they don’t have to “destroy their bodies” 2 months ago
Those people can die homeless then!- Evil idiots that can’t think beyond one step.