Not quite. They get a pass on miracles for beatification, but wording to this page’s “Since 1983” section two miracles are originally required for canonisation. In fact it is the non-martyr blessed who get a pass, since their miracle to become blessed counts and they only need one more.
The miracles are relatively easy in his case, considering his connection to healthcare. Get enough people with terminal diagnoses praying for his intercession, and some will happen to make a statistically unlikely spontaneous recovery. 1 month ago
Not quite. They get a pass on miracles for beatification, but wording to this page’s “Since 1983” section two miracles are originally required for canonisation. In fact it is the non-martyr blessed who get a pass, since their miracle to become blessed counts and they only need one more. 1 month ago
The miracles are relatively easy in his case, considering his connection to healthcare. Get enough people with terminal diagnoses praying for his intercession, and some will happen to make a statistically unlikely spontaneous recovery.