Any tips on finding cheap used ones, other than scrounging eBay and the like?
Comment on Should you bother with... mini PCs? 2 months ago
Wow, this goes against Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, but absolutely.
I’ve got a small stack of 1L PCs running a ProxMox and Kubernetes cluster and it’s been perfect. Highly recommend. I’ll probably get one for my wife’s desk when she sets it up as it’ll do everything she needs and more, and it’s tiny and you can get em cheap lightly used. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Find a brother in law that works in IT. I changed his brakes and he gave me three Optiplex micros that were e-wasted from his work. 2 months ago
To be fair, those are easy to find by the truckload even if you don’t have a brother in law in IT. 2 months ago
eBay, Amazon, sometimes you can snag deals when they release newer versions, they actually had a few on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Tbh, I got mine in a pack of 4 on eBay (I only needed 3), cleaned them out a bit, bumped the RAM and put new disks in them and they’ve been solid. 2 months ago
It’s more like a myth than a real thing. Or rather, a pattern that is false so often that you can’t use it to guess if it’s true.